but i take his car and i go to his uncle's shop.

i walked inside the shop but i didn't see him anywhere. "James? i got your SNS text. where are you?"

"i'm in here." i hear him and i turn to one of the dressing room.

James: i did SNS Izzy, but i did not mean sister needs sister. i meant seriously needs suit.

"is that you, J?" i asked him.

"i don't even know anymore."

"what?" i asked confused.

he swing the curtain open, but it was the second dressing room, which made me kinda jump, but then i see this ridiculous suit i've ever seen. and i start laughing at him.

this is the most ridiculous thing ever! i've never seen James looks so unhappy wearing something so silly. there's ruffles and pink and blue. i laughed.

"i can't... i can't even look at you." i turn away from him. "oh my gosh!" i laughed.

i heard a loud clearing your throat noise from behind me and i turned to look at a middle aged man standing next to James.

"uncle Enzo, this is Isabel, my girlfriend." James said to him and i smiled nervously.

"oh yeah, Lilian's daughter. i remember you." he said looking at me. "you puked all over my suit when you were three." i widened my eyes at his comment and James laughed. "what do you think of his suit?" he asked me.

"um, well..."

this is clearly a situation where he desperately needs my help.

"i'm not too crazy about it." i said.

"do you think you can do better?"

i nodded. "definitely."

i started looking around the store, which was a lot of effort and took me quite some time, but after a while i finally found something that could suit James.

he walked out of the dressing room, all handsome, with a black simple suit that i chose for him.

"ooh look at that." i said happily. "doesn't he look good?" i asked Enzo.

James: she picked out a sweet suit for me. it's nice and fitted. my style, not too much. just like my girl.

"sweet, okay, perfect." James said.

"and now, what about you?" James's uncle asked me.

"me?" i asked surprised.

"you need a dress."

"oh no, i'm good, i don't need a dress."

"uh, you're my date to the wedding. you're going to need a dress." James pushed me.

it's a very kind gesture but, um, i don't want a dress from that store.

"yeah, umm, i can just buy one at a store." i said.

"no one in our family pays retail."

"of course you don't. but i'm, there's not really a lot of selection here so..."

"i have a whole warehouse!" Enzo said excitedly.

"let's see it!" James excitedly.

this is going to be awful.

i've never tried that many clothes in my life. i looked ridiculous in every single dress. no actually, the dress looked ridiculous on me.

at the end i found this white blue dress that actually looked decent and i could dance in it, and i was happy that i could wear that one.

me and James went to get ice cream after we picked up outfits, when i suddenly get a text from Kate.

"oh my gosh." i exclaimed.

"what?" he came in to read my text.

Kate just texted me that Giselle is leaving The Next Step. i am just too shocked to say anything. i did not see that coming.

"aren't you excited?" i asked James.

"give me that." he took a bite of my ice cream and started walking faster away from me.

now that there's an A Troupe spot on the team, this is the time for James to come back. it's the time to make it fair.

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