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this round is the music mystery round so it's a five person but we've learned that we can't use our own music. the international board is going to provide the music.

Eldon walked away from the group, with James following him.

i know how much pressure he's under right now. i just hope he can do it.

whoever stay last in this turning competition get to hear the music for as long as the judges provide us. but if you fall first you don't get to listen to it at all. if we can listen to the song we can redo the dance to that song.

Riley, James, West, Max and i needed to go to the back room so we can practice our dance. we don't know the music yet, but we need to get it perfectly.

"okay guys, we have a lyrical section, we have a hiphop section, we kind of have our tumbling section, so what makes the most sense to me is if we get a rap song we can extend our hip hop section, if we get a ballad we can extend our lyrical." i said to them.

"okay, so what if we extend all the sections just to be safe then?" riley asked.

we won't know what the song is until the first team get on stage, so if Eldon stay last in the competition, we will have about twenty minutes with the song.

"we have absolutely no time-" west said but i stopped him.

"no, guys, i agree with Riley. we're wasting time just standing here."

"you know what. let's just hope that Eldon does well in this competition so we do have to go first." max said.

"that's true." james said.

we started rehearsing and then i got a text from Tahlia. "guys, tahlia just texted me." i said to them.

"what did she say?" james asked.

"south africa is out. we're not going first." we all exhaled, relieved.

we have at least one number to hear the music before we have to actually perform too.

we kept rehearsing and then another text. "guys. england's out." i said with a smile towards Riley. "only Poland, Jamaica and Eldon are left." i said.

"he's gonna kill it." west said.

we kept going over the dance, extending both parts that we have in case the music will match either.

"poland is out." i read from tahlia's text.

we kept rehearsing and then Eldon walked inside, almost like he can't breath. i walked closer to him waiting to hear what happened.

"i won!"

i smiled widely and then jumped on him, hugging him tightly as the rest of us did.

Michelle walked in. "guys i have your song." she said and played the music as we all started to see how this could work.

it actually working out really well, it kinda fits perfectly.

"look, the other team was really messy." michelle said. "you guys have to make sure it's tight."

if we win this, we're in the semi finals. our team is fully counting on us. there's no other option but to win.

we kept hearing the music again and again, dancing to the music making some adjustments.

"guys come on." kate walks in. "times up. we gotta go to the wings."

"okay. it'll be fine. let's go." i said to them and we all walked after kate.

i just hope that everything that we did to prepare for this is gonna be enough.

after getting ready, we stood next to Amanda and Michelle and watched the Jamaica team dance.

they were great. they were so strong and the crowd loved them.

we all stood in a group hug with the rest of the team. "ready? one, two, three... Next Step!" we yelled cheering.

west: we've rehearsed. we worked all our choreo. i think we're ready.

we walked on stage, taking our spot on the stage and waited for the music to start.

we just gave all of ourselves to this routine. it's extremely intense we have a lot of fast and intricate movement. but as we were doing it, i felt great.

the boys were having a blast, me and Riley were having a great time working together, having max lifting us. it was all going so good.

our original choreo worked really well with this song and it felt like we knew the music for years.

the music stopped, and we watched the crowd screaming and cheering us on.

Jamaica came back on stage and we waited for the judges decision.

"the winner, moving on to the next round is... The next step!" we jumped happily and hugged each other as the rest of the team ran to the stage and hugged us.

this is it. the next round is all of us on the stage for this first time. we were all so happy.

i can't believe we made it so far. who's to say we can't win this?

someone tapped on my shoulder and i turned to see ella. "congratulations." she said.

"i don't have time for you right now." i said to her.

"well you're gonna have to make time. because we're about to go head to head." she turned around and walked away.

i just realized that ella knows all our strengths, and weaknesses. this isn't about internationals anymore. ella betrayed me once, but worse, she betrayed my team. and we're gonna make her regret it.

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