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Riley James and I sat in the juice bar talking about how to bring Emily down. "We just need to show Kate and Chris that nobody really wants Emily and her bad choreography." James said.

We need a new dance captain because the way Emily's treating people is horrible, and we're not gonna win regionals with her choreography.

"I have an idea. I say we rechoreograph the regionals routine. Make it so good, make it better. Include people's ideas." I said.

"Yeah, and then we can show it to Kate and she'll love it so much that she'll have to put you as dance captain." Riley said.

"I'm down. When do we start?" James asked.


We went up to the studio and started creating a new dance in studio b. I managed to put as many people's ideas that I could remember they suggested, along with Riley's and James's ideas.

We practiced it again and again until Chris walked in.

I think he can hear my heart bumping.

"Riley, James and Izzy. Studio A is rehearsal." Chris said.

"Oh. We're supposed to be in studio a. We were wondering where everyone were." James said.

"No worries. Hurry up though."

We basically ran to studio a and Emily welcomed us. "Welcome to class. Thanks for joining us. It actually started five minutes ago." She mocked us. "First positions everyone."

We started dancing Emily's song.

God. It's all about her. Her abilities. I hate it so much.

As soon as rehearsal is over we're back in studio b going through my routine.

We went through the steps when the door opened and West walked in. "What's up bro?" West asked James. "What are you guys doing in b studio?" He asked.

Should we invite him into the dance or not?

I looked at James. And then at Riley. And we all nodded.

"Uh... we kinda have something to show you man." James said to him.

"Okay. Show me."

And we did. The whole time we performed I was so nervous. I hope he likes it and hope he won't be a snitch.

"What do you think?" I asked nervously when we finished.

"Let me get this straight. You guys made this new routine to show to Kate to overthrow Emily so that Isabel could become the new dance captain. Is that right?"


"Really? Is that your big idea?"

He hated it! Hated it!

"Love it!" He said happily. I almost fell on the floor. "But I have some good ideas. Do that thing with the hands."

West's moves are crazy!

"But teach us first." I said.

"No problem."

Riley came back with some juices when the knock was heard on the door and west came in.

"Guys. I kinda did something." He said.


"I told someone about the dance."

"What! Who?"

The door opened and Daniel and Michelle walked inside.

"Riley, Emily's your sister. There's gonna be a war." Daniel pointed out.

"Yeah, but my sister does not deserve to be dance captain. She's not... she's tearing us apart."

"If I'm gonna join I have one condition. I get to keep my solo."

"Of course." I said.

I think everything's gonna be fine. Daniel's technique is amazing. West's moves are incredible, and Michelle has some great ideas.

We realized we were late to rehearsal and ran to studio a. When we walked in Emily looked really suspicious.

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