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Emily and I stood next to the news lady who interview us. "I have two very excited dancers with me. These are the co captains of the next step Isabel and Emily, and they have just discovered that they're moving into the semi finals. Congratulations ladies, how we feel?"

"Thank you, I guess the only way to describe it is excited. I mean, it's definitely wasn't something we expected or planned." Emily said.

"Not at all." i said.

"Co captains is not usual in the dance world. Can you tell me about your relationship as co captains?" the woman asked again.

"We had ups and downs." Em said.

"Yeah, but we know each other since childhood and we're really good friends."

We were doing rehearsal when Elite decided to walk just between our dance.

"Aw, cute costumes guys." Amanda said to us. "Is your grandma missing her curtains? And who did your makeup? A clown? You should all get a job at the circus. That'd be great. And Emily, did you finally found a group you could keep up with?"

Em just froze. I saw how frozen she was. "Amanda. Don't your have your own team to torment?" I told her.

"What happened? Emily can't stick up for herself now?"

"Leave now." I told her. "Now Amanda. Before I break your feet so you could never dance again." I said, sharply with no kidding in my eyes.

"Whatever. Have fun."

I had enough of her. First James, now against Emily. I don't think so.

"Are you okay?" I asked Em. She just shake her head and walked away.

"Eldon, are you not gonna go talk to her?" Riley asked him.

"Eldon bro go." James said in a high pitch voice.

I flicked his stomach. "Can you please take this seriously?" i said sharply.

"Yeah sorry."

"I don't know what to do." Eldon said.

"She is your girlfriend. Go talk to her." Riley said again and Eldon walked to Emily.

"So clueless." James said again in his high pitched voice and I rolled my eyes.

I just don't understand how he cannot be serious at a time like this.

James: every time I just joke around with her she kinda takes it so badly. She gotta loosen up.

We were backstage watching seeds performing. They were great. Their choreography was good, they were dancing together. They scored 91 points.

"Congratulations guys." We said to them when they walked out of stage.

We got into a circle. "It's really important that we dance with passion." I said.

"And guys, not only that, we've come so far not just as people." Emily said.

"But as a team!" James said.

"Take this seriously, James." Riley told him.

"Okay guys, hands in." we put our hands together. "One two, the next step!" The girls ran to the other side of the stage and we prepared to go on stage.

I think we did great. Our energies were twice as before. We did everything correctly. Technique was good. We have a good dance. We can totally score more than 91 points.

The dance was finished, we went off stage and we hugged Chris and Kate.

I pulled James aside for a second. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier." I said.

"Don't worry. It's no problem. But if I were to send you a text message it would probably say this is who I am. Lol winky face."

"James, I know."

"I don't stress over things and you have to accept that."

I put my arms around his neck. "I know that. But you also have to know who you're dating and I do get stressed out."

"Can you send me that in a text message from so I won't forget?" He joked. "I'm joking, come here." He pulled me in for a hug.

It's good to have somebody who gets me and we both accept each other for who we are and it's nice to have that.

"Will the next step studio please take the stage!" We went on stage. I was between James and Emily.

"To go on the next stage and face Elite, The Next Step will have to beat seeds score, 91."

I was so stressed out. I think the crowd could hear my heart beat. James grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"And the next step score is, 93 points!" We all jumped excitedly and we hugged each other.

It's the morning of the final round. We were on stage just talking, relaxing for a bit until Kate and Chris will come.

"Congratulations once again for getting this far guys ." Chris said when they walked on stage.

"Yeah, you guys did an amazing job yesterday. But this is finals okay? So we need to up our game big time."

We chose our best routine to start up with and right now we have a pretty good routine that we have to work on. But we'll be fine.

"Also, Elite's gonna have an airplane in its finals performance. I saw it when I was there." emily said.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"We can't worry about everyone else is doing we have to worry about ourselves." kate said.

"How are we gonna top an airplane?" Michelle asked.

"Okay, all plans aside, I think we should focus on Michelle and Eldon's duet." Chloe said.

"Actually that's a genius idea. Let's move the duet from the center of the dance to the beginning it will be super powerful."

"Is this what everyone wants?" Emily asked.

"Yeah." We all said.

"Fine. Consider it done. But you know this is regionals, and the duet requires a lot of chemistry. Do you guys have it?"

Michelle and Eldon looked at each other. "Yes." They said.

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