bonus chapter (1)

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we came back to the studio for one more dance together as the internationals team.

and as we finished dancing, i know its time for my next chapter.

i looked at them and just broke down crying. "izzy!" they all said, trying to comfort me.

this is my home, my team, my family.

"i'm okay." i said and they chuckled. "i'm leaving tomorrow but i just wanted to say how much i love you guys. and how much im proud of us and of what we established."

we had one more group hug and then everyone turned to leave.

James, Eldon and I stayed last, appreciating every last moment we have together in this studio.

"i can't believe i'm actually leaving tomorrow." i said with a sigh.

"i'm the last one left." eldon said and i looked at him. "no more James, Izzy and Eldon."

"at least you won't need to third wheel anymore." james said with a tap on his shoulder and i chuckled.

i looked at Eldon. "promise to call every day?" i asked him.

"of course." he said and i hugged him. "i'm so proud of you, Izzy."

"thanks Eldon. i'm really proud of you too." i let go of him and then he walked out of the studio.

"meet me at my house in two hours? i'm going to Riley's." i said to James.

he kissed me and then walked out as well.

this is it. i'm moving on. i take a deep breath and then turned to the door.

"izzy." miss kate called me from her office. i'm dreading this goodbye, but i walked inside. "leaving without saying goodbye?"

i hugged her, and my tears just wallowed in my eyes again. "thank you for everything." i said to her.

she looked at me and put both her hands on my cheeks. "it's been an honor watching you grow up, and became one of the best dancers i have ever seen." she smiled at me with tears. "i am so, so proud of you Isabel Jones."

"thank you."

"i'm so happy for you."

i walked backwards. "you and this studio is the best thing that ever happened to me." i cried. "see you around, Miss Kate."

"bye, Izzy." i turned to the door and left the studio with tears.

i walked inside Riley and Emily's house and we sat in the kitchen quietly. "still going to Australia?" Emily asked me.

"yes, Em." i said with a smile.

"what am i gonna do without my co captain?" she said, crying.

"what am i gonna do without mine?" i cried and she hugged me.

"i really don't wanna leave now..." she said, still hugging me.

"i'll see you when i visit." she looked at me. "i love you, Em."

"love you too." she wiped away her tears. "okay bye." she walked quickly out of the house and i looked at Riley who was now crying.


"everyone is leaving, and i'm left behind all alone while everyone is moving on."

"don't be ridiculous."

"it's true!"

"you are never alone. even if we're not on the same team, we've got each other, always." she looked at me. "besides, staying on the team doesn't mean you're not moving on. it just means you're staying in a place you love. i don't have that anymore."

"i'm gonna miss you so much, Izzy."

"i'm gonna miss you too. it's the first time we're not gonna dance together."

she hugged me tightly. "call me when you get there."

"i will. i love you so much."

"i love you too." i looked at her again and then left her house, walking to mine.

James was already in my house when i got there, and he helped me pack the last few things i had.

i got a place in my dream school in Australia. i'm gonna be able to keep dancing professionally, and getting a degree in teaching and management.

James and i kind of avoided the talk about what we will do when i leave because we are both dreading this goodbye.

we've never spend more than a summer apart, and not having him by my side anymore will be so weird.

i sat on my bed next to him and looked at him. we both know we have to talk.

"no." he said, looking away. 

"we have to." i said.

"we still have almost 24 hours together."

james: when we were in Miami, i told Izzy i think she should go. i'm kinda regretting that as her flight's getting closer.

"j, please don't make it too hard." i begged him quietly.

i know how much he's happy for me. but this is very difficult for the both of us.

"fine." he stood up angrily. "what do you wanna do? long distance? because that's crap and you know it. it never works, even in the movies."

"i know, James! i know that..." i cried. "should we at least try? no that's a bad idea." i looked at him. "i don't want to break up."

"neither do i, Iz. i'll wait for you."

"i can't ask you to do that."

"you're not asking me to do anything."

"no, no."


"no, James. no!" i yelled and he looked at me with surprise. "you're my soulmate, okay? but it doesn't mean i'm the only one for you."


"shut up! we're breaking up." i sighed. "we're breaking up, and if, when i get back, we're both single, i know i'm gonna marry you." he smiled weakly. "but i can't ask you to put your life on hold for me. you're gonna go around with the band, you're gonna travel with West and Eldon, and maybe even visit me."

"i can't break up with my friend, Isabel." he said softly.

"me neither. and i thought i was your best friend." i said sharply.

"actually Eldon is my best friend— ow." he said as i hit his arm. he stared into my eyes, softly. "what if i don't want to get over you?"

"that's your choice. but as least if it does happen we won't have any issues with that. cause life goes on, even if we're apart."

"i know we're gonna find a way back to each other, Izzy. everyone knows it. always and forever, baby."

"always and forever."

and the next day i got in the plane, and nothing else mattered.

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