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"Everyone listen up. Just a reminder that everyone has to pay for costumes by the end of the week." Kate said. "Emily's gonna warm you up so just follow her."

"Emily, your shoe is untied." Eldon said to Emily.

She gave him a dirty look but he kneeled down and tied her shoes. Everyone laughed at him but I felt bad.

We went through the steps but then Emily stopped the music. "Chloe, you know the steps?"

"Yeah." Chloe said.

"Are you sure? Riley can you show her the timings?"

Riley went through the steps with Chloe. "Hey, Chloe." I came up to her at the end.


"Are you okay? You look a bit exhausted."

"Yeah, I just... I had to work last night and I'm really tired."

Hearing Chloe has a job didn't surprise me.

"Okay. Do you wanna go over the steps?"


"No problem." I went through the dance with Chloe slowly in her own pace.

I sat down at the juice bar when James and Riley came over to me. "Hey guys." I told them.

"So umm... we saw you with Chloe." Riley said. "We kinda overheard your conversation that you're gonna help her with the steps."

"That was awfully leaderish of you." James said.

"I'm just trying to be kind, okay?" I said, angry.

"Kindness is a great skill to have as a dance captain." Riley said.

I don't wanna be dance captain. They have to back off.

"You have to at least think about it."

"I did." I said.

"Not seriously." James added.

"Yes, seriously."

"You have to believe in yourself. You'd be perfect for it. You gotta replace her now before things get worse."


"Just think about it okay?"

Fine. Whatever.

The next day we were warming up for the solo evaluation.

It would have been cool to dance a solo but I don't know if I want to.

I danced like I never did before. I didn't dance to show I danced to perform. I danced because I loved it. I didn't care if I get the solo or not.

Kate finally realized Chloe is not there and I volunteered to call her.

I don't know what Chloe is gonna do if she'll miss the opportunity.

"Where are you?" I asked Chloe when she answered.

"My shift ends in 15 minutes. I'll be there in an hour."

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