Chapter 13

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Your POV

You wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon. Great, you woke up at the right time. You slowly sit up letting out a yawn while stretching out. 

"Mornin'." *You say strolling into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Ponyboy says full of energy, how was he already so energetic? He was always energetic who am I kiddin'? 

"Breakfast is ready, help yourself," Darry said while drying his hands with a towel. You nodded as you sat beside Ponyboy, grabbing a plate and grabbing some eggs and bacon. After breakfast you were probably gonna go out and look for Johnny, I mean, it's the only thing you could do anyways, nothin' exitin' is happenin' today. 

You look over and see Soda, he didn't look as happy as he usually did, he looked bummed out.

"Hey, Soda what's the matta'?" *Yea ask taking a bit out of your egg.

"Sandy, she uh,, moved to Florida." *He said kinda pushing his grape jelly around in his plate.

"Aw man, you really liked her didn't ya?" You said as a sad expression crawled onto his face. He just nodded as he continued to eat his breakfast. You decided to drop the topic since you didn't wanna bring him down anymore, he probably felt awful about it though. You couldn't imagine losing someone like that.

You finally finished your breakfast and helped ponyboy and soda with the dishes. After that, you decided to go to the lot which is most likely where Johnny would be. And you were right, Johnny was there sitting in his normal car seat staring down the street.

"Hi Johnny!" You say jogging up to him with a bright smile.

"O-oh hi y/n," He says with a soft smile.

"How have you been?" You ask sitting beside him, the smile never leaving your face.

"I'm doin' 'lright,," *h says turning his face away

"Aw come on Johnny look at me when I'm talkin' to ya," You chuckle grabbing his face and turning it back to face you. His eyes widen and you can see a small reddish-tint fade onto his dark skin. He opens his mouth to say something but he just stumbles out a few inaudible words. "I love you," You giggle giving him a small kiss on the cheek, you couldn't tell if it was too much right now, he just looks at you with disbelief in his eyes.

"Y-you mean it,,?" He stumbles out.

"Yes, of course, I mean it." You smile giving him a hug, he twitches and hesitates before hugging you back, but eventually, he gives in wrapping his arms around you.

"I,, love you too,," He stutters back shoving his face in your neck. Where on earth did I find a guy like this? 

The two of you talk and laugh there for a few hours, finding anything that you guys can talk about to get to know each other. But eventually, it starts getting late, and you were getting hungry.

"Alright, I'm gettin' hungry, come on let's go to the diner." YOU suggest standing up and brushing the grass off of you. He nodded in agreement hopping up, shoving his hands in his pockets, and starting to walk in the way of The Dingo, which is the diner on this shitty side of town. 

Finally, after what feels like forever, you finally get to the diner. You find a double table and sit down waiting for a waiter to come by.

"This place smells like, burnt fish." You mumble to yourself scrunching up your nose. Johnny nods in agreement, for some reason he's being quieter than ever like he's contemplating if he should say something or not. You shrug it off as the waiter brought you both your food. You immediately start to eat, but you were careful so you didn't look like a pig.

You both finish your food and you end up paying, which you didn't mind. Again, Johnny was quiet as a mouse. "Is there something you wanna say, Johnny?" You ask with a concerned look on your face.

"..." He mumbled a few words but you were unable to understand him. 

"I ain't gonna bite ya, you can tell me." You reassure giving him a genuine smile. He looks away his face obviously getting flushed, you can't really tell since it's dark out.

"Can I,," he paused "Can I hold your,, hand?" He asks "If not it's okay, I don't mind." 

"Of course Johnny, you don't gotta ask." You say immediately grabbing his hand in a soft but firm grip. He smiled, but once again he hid his face. Jesus, he was adorable, you wouldn't trade this boy for the world. 

You both reached a field where the stars and the moon were visible, and they cast a bright light upon the world below them. You and Johnny sat down, staring at the sky.

"Man, ain't it pretty?" You say in amazement. 

"Not as pretty as you," He says giving you a wide smile, this tie it was your turn to be a flustered mess. The wind gives a crisp blow and causes you to shiver, jesus christ, you forgot your jacket again. "Here." He says wrapping his jacket around you, along with his arm around your shoulder.

"Thank you.." You say resting your head on his should, eventually, the both of you lay down, closing your eyes.

"You're my one and only.." Johnny mumbles before the both of you slowly drift into a deep sleep.

My one and Only (Johnny Cade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now