Chapter 11

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Your POV

I lay back against the hospital bed, waiting for news from the doctor, he said he was gonna run some tests to see what was gonna happen, so I just waited. It was only about 10 minutes later when he came into the room

"I have good news," He said having a grin.

"What is it?" You groan, every word hurt.

"We will have to do a couple surgery's, but after all that you will be fine, kid your gonna be okay." He smiles. You couldn't help but grin,

"Really..?" you grin, "Am j able to see Johnny?"

"It wouldn't hurt." He says leaving the room. Johnny enters in a pair of crutches with one of his legs in a cast.

"Hey y/n, how ya feelin'?" He asks smiling and sitting down beside you.

"Better than before, how about you?" You ask trying to move but it hurts too much.

"I'm doing alright, I'm outta this place in a few days," Johnny continues

"I have good news, I only need a few surgeries and I will be almost good as new!" You say with a smile.

"I'm so happy for you, by the way, the rumble is tonight,  pretty big day for the gang." He says getting up. You nod. "I'm gonna let you get your rest, I will be back to check on you soon," He leaves the room his crutches clicking on the floor. You lay your head back on your pillow and go back to sleep.  

Ponyboy's POV

 As we got off the bus I finally said it. "Tonight--- I don't like it one bit."

 Two-Bit pretended not to understand. "I never knew you to play chicken in a rumble before. Not even when you were a little kid." I knew he was trying to make me mad, but I took the bait anyway. 

"I ain't chicken, Two-Bit Mathews, and you know it," I said angrily. "Ain't I a Curtis, same as Soda and Darry?" Two-Bit couldn't deny this, so I went on: "I mean, I got an awful feeling something's gonna happen." 

"Somethin' is gonna happen. We're gonna stomp the Socs' guts, that's what." Two-Bit knew what I meant but doggedly pretended not to. He seemed to feel that if you said something was all right, it immediately was, no matter what. He's been that way all his life, and I don't expect he'll change. Sodapop would have understood, and we would have tried to figure it out together, but Two-Bit just ain't Soda. Not by a long shot. 

"Let's get goin'," I said starting to walk down the sidewalk. It was almost six thirty by the time I got home, And the rumble was goin' down at 7.   hurried to take a shower and change clothes. I Soda and Darry always got spruced up before a rumble. And besides, we wanted to show those Socs we weren't trash, that we were just as good as they were. Soda went to go play poker with steve to kill time and Darry had just put on a tight-fit T-shirt to flex off his big muscles. Soda and Steve and I had put on more hair oil than was necessary, but we wanted to show that we were greasers. Tonight we could be proud of it. Greasers may not have much, but they have a rep. That and long hair. Darry never went in for the long hair. His was short and clean all the time.

I sat in the armchair in the living room, waiting for the rest of the outfit to show up. But of course, tonight the only one coming would be Two-Bit. Johnny, Dallas, and y/n wouldn't show. Soda and Steve were playing cards and arguing as usual. Soda was keeping up a steady stream of wisecracks and clowning, and Steve had turned up the radio so loud that it almost broke my eardrums. Of course, everybody listens to it loud like that, but it wasn't just the best thing for a headache. 

"Welp," Two-Bit said cheerfully, cocking an eyebrow, "I see we are in prime condition for a rumble. Is everybody happy?"

 "Yeah!" screamed Soda as he too did a flying somersault off the steps. He flipped up to walk on his hands and then did a no-hands cartwheel across the yard to beat Darry's performance. The excitement was catching. Screeching like an Indian, Steve went running across the lawn in flying leaps, stopped suddenly, and flipped backward. We could all do acrobatics because Darry had taken a course at the Y and then spent a whole summer teaching us everything he'd learned. After all, it might come in handy in a fight. It did, but it also got Two-Bit and Soda jailed once. They were doing mid-air flips down a downtown sidewalk, walking on their hands, and otherwise disturbing the public and the police. Leave it to those two to pull something like that.

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