Chapter 8

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"Pony we gotta go back home, they are worried sick!" You say looking at him in the eyes.

"You will get hurt y/n, we can't." Pony says shoving the letter into his pocket. You sigh in defeat

"Are the fuzz after us? Do the boys know where we are? What..." Ponyboy starts talking to Dally.

"Hold on, kid," Dally broke in. "I can't answer every first? I skipped breakfast and I'm about starved." thing at once. You three want to go get something to eat 

"You're starved?" Johnny was so indignant he nearly squeaked. 

"Is it safe to go out?" Pony asked eagerly. You remembered the baloney. 

"Yep." Dally searched his shirt pocket for a cigarette, and finding none, said, "Gotta cancer stick, Johnnycake?" Johnny tossed him a whole package. "The fuzz won't be lookin' for you around here,"  Dally said, lighting up. "They think you've lit out for Texas. I've got Buck's Td here bird parked down the road a little way. Goshamighty, ain't you been eatin' anything?" Johnny looked startled. 

"Yeah. Whatever gave you the idea we ain't?" Dally shook his head. "You're all pale and you've lost weight. After this, get out in the sun more. You look like you've been through the mill."

"Well, maybe the only thing we were able to eat is bologna." You snap back. He gave Pony a  hard rub on the head. 

"Kid, I swear it doesn't look like you with your hair all cut off. It used to look tuff. You and Soda had the coolest lookin' hair in town."

"I know," he said sourly. "I look lousy, but don't rub it in." 

"Do y'all want somethin' to eat or not?" We all leaped up.

 "You'd better believe it," Pony said gleefully.

"Gee," Johnny said wistfully, "it sure will be good to get into a car again."

"Well," Dally drawled, "I'll give you a ride for your money." 

"Very funny," Johnny said nudging him. Dally always did like to drive fast, as if he didn't care whether he got where he was going or not, and we came down the red dirt road off Jay Mountain doing eighty-five. You like fast driving, but Pony and Johnn were crazy about drag races, but we all got a little green around the gills when Dally took a corner on two wheels with the brakes screaming. Maybe it was because we hadn't been in a car for so long.

We stopped at a dairy queen and you instantly went for a coke. Johnny and Pony were choking down their barbeque sandwiches. 

"Glory," Dallas said, amazed, watching us gulp the stuff down. "You don't need to make like every mouthful's you're last. I got plenty of money. Take it easy, I don't want you gettin' sick on me. And I thought I was hungry!" Johnny merely ate faster. Pony didn't slow down until he got a headache.

 "The Socs and we are having all-out warfare all over the city. That kid you killed had plenty of friends and was all over town, it's Soc against grease. We can't walk alone at all. I started carryin' a heater..." Dally continued looking out at the distance.

"golly.." You said golfing down another burger.

"Dally!" Pony said, frightened. "You kill people with heaters!"

"Ya kill 'em with switchblades, too, don't ya, kid?" Dally said in a hard voice. You gulped. "Don't worry," Dally went on, "it ain't loaded. I ain't aimin' to get picked up for murder. But it sure does help a bluff. Tim Shepard's gang and our outfit are havin' it out with the Socs tomorrow night at the vacant lot. We got hold of the president of one of their social clubs and had a war council. Yeah" Dally sighed. "just like the good old days. If they win, things go on as usual. If we do, they stay outa our territory but are good. Two-Bit got jumped a few days ago. Darry and I came along in time, but he wasn't havin' too much trouble. Two-Bit's a good fighter. Hey, I didn't tell you we got a spy."

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