Chapter 3

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Your POV

You're shaken awake by someone, you jolt up having almost half a heart attack, and you were in someone's bed? You noticed the person that was shaking you was Ponyboy, the look was sitting in a chair and looked tired. 

"Hey wake up, we decided on who you would be staying with, being there the most responsible," Hey says slowly with a smile creeping up his face.

"Well..?" you say, wanting him to get on with it.

"Your staying with Darry, Soda, and me!" He says happily as if he wanted this.

"Sounds good to me, but ain't this your house, why am I in a bed, not like you could just pull out a spare and build a new room." You say getting up and yawning.

"We put you in my and Soda's bed, for now, Soda took the couch and I slept in the chair." Pony replies. "Ya know, the couch ain't that comfy." He adds shrugging.

"I thought I told you to wake her up Pony, y'alls breakfast gonna get cold." Darry half yelled. Ponyboy helped you get up making sure you were alright and you went to go eat what Darry had made. "What would ya like kid, we got waffles, eggs, and grape jelly for this weirdo," He says and Soda gives a toothy grin. "And we also got some chocolate cake." 

"I will have some eggs with a couple of waffles please." You say sitting beside soda who was already inhaling his food. Ponyboy helps himself to a piece of chocolate cake giving soda some as well, Darry grabs the same as you along with a piece of cake. He hands you your plate and you start inhaling your food like no tomorrow.

"Slow down your gonna choke" Pony chuckles,  and starts to eat his breakfast, you do listen and of course, you start choking on a piece of waffle. "Told ya." Pony says patting your back tryna help you. Darry and soda just look concerned while they eat their meals. You stop choking and take a drink of water.

"I should have listened, I was just kinda hungry that's all." You laugh putting your plate in the sink that's already full of dishes, somebody had to get these done so when everybody was done eating you decided to wash up the dishes for them, it was the least you could do being you're staying in their damn house for free, Darry thanked you and offered to introduce you to the rest of the gang since you gonna be seeing a lot of them around, you agreed and everyone agrees to go meet at the lot. The three boys try to make you as comfortable as possible being your new and they don't want you to be upset. You were enjoying your talk with Soda and Pony while you were laughing and pushing each other around on the sidewalk when suddenly everyone gathers around you other than Dally and Darry who are talking on their own. 

Two people mainly were asking questions and overall just being very loud, the others who were just Pony, Soda, and another kid I can't quite remember his name, were just standing there, Pony tryna shut up those two.

"OK OK AT LEAST TELL HER YA NAMES FIRST, GOLLY." Pony says finally shutting them up.

"Steve, Steve Randle." One of the Guys said pretending to bow but the other one tripped him and he falls flat on his face.

"Two-bit Mathews. Nice to meet ya." He says with a tongue click but Steve gets up and lunges at him, while they're cursing each other out I decide to say hi to the other kid, but he's looking away.

"Uh, hi." You say awkwardly waving at the bot, you can tell you have a goofy smile on your face but you can't help it. The other boy jumps slightly, you must have startled him.

"Hi. I'm J-Johnny." The kid manages to stutter out till not looking at you. "Johnny cade." He repeats.

"Johnny cade.." You say in a thinking tone, "I like it." You smile. You see him sorta smile and laugh to himself but he then shook it away still hiding his face.

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