Chapter 6

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Your POV

As your walking Pony keeps going on and on about you killing Bob.

"Your gonna get the electric chair!" Pony panics. Your eyes widen at him saying that, and you cling onto Johnny ene tighter shoving your face in his chest still crying.

"Ponyboy lay off, you're scaring her!" Johnny says rubbing your shoulder. "You're not gonna get the electric chair, you're fine. Dal will help us." He whispers to you. You arrive at Buck's and knock on the door.

"Ay, aren't you kids a little too young to be here?" Buck says looking at you three.

"We're looking for Dally," Ponyboy says straightening his posture.

"He's busy, now mo-" Buck begins to shut the door.

"Just tell him it's Pony, Johnny, and Y/n, He'll come!" Pony shouts as buck scoffs and goes up the stairs the door shutting. We hear a set of footsteps come to the door as it slowly opens.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Dally says showing up shirtless leaning on the doorframe.

"We need help, y/n had killed someone trying to protect Pony and me from these Socs and we don't know what to do," Johnny says still holding onto you, panic slowly rising in his voice.

"Holy shit. Well come on in, I was just in bed." Dally yawns. Pony's ears go bright red. "I don't mean that, but damn Pony your ears can get red, now come on your gonna get pneumonia out here." He chuckles. You guys follow him up to his room and sit down against the wall.

"I have to go o the bathroom one second." You say slipping out of the room. You go through every room upstairs nicking money, clothes, and anything you might need and shoving it in a bag. You go back to Dally's room and see his handing Johnny a gun and Pony 50 bucks.

"For Pete's sake, the guns loaded Johnny don't point it at me," Dally says pointing the gun downward. They shove the gun and 50 bucks in your bag that you have slugged over your shoulder.

"But where are we supposed to go? The cops are gonna be after us and were gonna be on the paper!" Johnny says standing beside you again.

"Listen, there is gonna be a train to Windrixville, hop the 315, and your set, then head up to Jay mountain there should be an abandoned church there," Dally says laying in his bed. You three leave the room and head downtown to go find the train. It was stopped and was just about to get going. You all started jogging while Johnny was far behind.

"Hurry up Johnnycake we will miss the train!" Pony yells grabbing pony by the arm and hauling him up in a cart. Helping you next. Tired you yawn. As well does Pony.

"You guys should get some rest, it's been a long night," Johnny says looking outside the train. You and Pony nod not arguing with him and laying down to get some rest. You lay your head in Johnny's lap and drift off to sleep.

You have been shaken away lightly but firmly by Johnny waking you up. 

"Come on, we gotta go, it's our stop!" Johnny says throwing you and pony off the train along with himself. "Blast it y/n you put my legs asleep!" He chuckles rubbing his legs.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" You say helping him up off the wet grass.

"You were tired, I don't mind tho." He smiles.

"Alright you two come on, we gotta find Jay mountain," Ponyboy says nudging you in the side of the rib. You shoot him a look as you continue to walk around.

"Go ask that farmer over there, he might know," Johnny says to Pony.

"Why don't you?" He argues.

"My ankles hurt and I don't wanna walk, just act like a farm boy on a walk I dunno." 

My one and Only (Johnny Cade x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن