Chapter 5

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Your POV

You wake up to being shaken slightly.

"mmm, what time is it..?" You say sleepily rubbing your eyes.

"I hate to disrupt your beauty sleep, but you and Pony gotta get home, it's past your curfew," Johnny says pointing you to ponyboy. He doesn't look at you but you can see his face is visually red.

"Fuck, we fell asleep. Sorry about that Johnny, see you tomorrow" You yawn getting and running off with ponyboy.

"you think he's gonna be mad?" Pony asks turning the corner.

"I think he will understand, not our fault we fell asleep." You say as you reach the door, you quietly enter the house and there's Darry, reading a newspaper.

"Now where have you two been? Do you know what time it is!" Darry yells standing up. He was about to blow.

"We fell asleep in the lot." Pony says standing by you in front of Darry.

"you what?!" He shouts, Sodapop then gets up rubbing his eyes.

"Hey ponyboy, Y/n, where y 'all been?" he says sleepily.

"We didn't mean to!" Pony says about to cry.

"I reckon it never occurred to you that your brothers might be worrying their heads off and afraid to call the police because something like that could get you three thrown in a home so quick it'd make your head spin. And you were asleep in the lot? Ponyboy, what on earth is the matter with you? Can't you use your head? You haven't even got a coat on." Darry continues.

"He said we didn't mean to Darry, lay off would ya?!" You yell back holding onto Ponyboy.

"I didn't mean to!" Darry shouted, and Ponyboy looked almost shaken. "I didn't think! I forgot! That's all I hear out of you! Can't you think of anything?"  

"Darry.." Soda begins, but Darry shut him up.

"You keep your trap shut! I'm sick of you stickin' up for him!" Darry yells back at Soda. Ponyboy looked like a mad bull.

"You don't yell at him!" Ponyboy yells at Darry and suddenly get's slapped hard across the face. 

"Darry what the hell! Have you lost your mind?!" You yell rushing over to Ponyboy who was blown over shook.

"I didn't mean to.." Darry says standing still in shock. Ponyboy then grabs your arm and drags you out of the house, running back to the lot.

"Where are we going Pony?" You say worried running along beside him.

"Were gettin' Johnny and were runnin' away." Pony cries as we reach the lot.

"Come on Johnny, Pony wants to run away, let's go." You say shaking him and helping him up. He asked no questions just nodded, you all ran until Pony was sobbing, You sat by him on the curb holding him as well did Johnny.

"Easy there Pony, Easy.." Johnny says rubbing his back.

"Gotta cigarette?" Pony asks as Johnny tosses him one, he asks you, and you nod. You swore to never smoke again like your parents did but you were so upset right now you didn't care. Johnny passed a lighter down the line and you all sat there for a while.

"Johnny I'm scared.." Pony says wiping his eyes.

"well don't be, you're scarin' me, I ain't ever seen you bawl like that what happened?" Johnny replies looking at Pony worriedly. 

"Darry, he hit me. Darry hit me!" Pony says tears threatening his eyes again.

"Let's take a walk to the park to clear your mind, then we can head home and talk to Darry about what happened, sound good?" You say giving him one last hug before taking a drag from your cigarette. Pony nods smiling at you. You all stand up and walk to the park climbing up onto the monkey bars. Johnny then snapped up his jean jacket and flipped up the collar.

"You guys ain't gonna freeze?" He says shivering. 

"I'll be fine." You say getting a chill.

"Me too." Pony says with a sigh. Suddenly there was a car horn. It was the blue mustang from before.

"Fuck.." Johnny swore under his breath.

"This is our territory what are socs doing over here.." Pony says hopping down and then helping you off as well. 

"Glory. What a topping to night so great already.." You say wide-eyed.

"Run for it." Pony say about to run, but it was too late, they were already coming over to us. Five of them were coming right over to us. Johnny was looking like a ghost or an animal that just got caught in a trap.  You probably looked like that too, you had reached for your switchblade. It was Randy and Bob and three other Socs, and they recognized us. you knew Johnny recognized them, he was watching the moonlight glint off Bob's rings with huge eyes. You were as well, you were shaking so badly at this point.  

"Hey, Whatta ya know?" Bob said a little unsteadily, "here are the little greasers that picked up our girls. Hey, greasers." 

"Watch it, your in our territory." You managed to say in a low voice. Randy swore at us and they stepped in closes. Bob was eyeing Johnny. 

"Nup, pal, yer the ones who'd better watch it. Next time you want a broad, pick up yer own kind." The pony was getting mad. You were hating them enough to lose your head. "You know what a greaser is?" Bob asked. "White trash with long hair."

"And you wanna know what a soc is?" You said with a pouty face.

"What?" Bob spat. 

"White trash that drives mustangs and madras." You hissed at them. 

"Assholes." Pony spit at them. Bob shook his head, smiling slowly. 

"You could use a bath, greaser. And a good working over. And we've got all night to do it." He said looking at Pony. He wasn't gonna lay a hand on him as much as you could help it.  

"Give the kid a bath, David." Pony ducked and tried to run for it, but the Soc caught his arm and twisted it behind his back, and shoved his face into the fountain. He fought, but the hand at the back of his neck was strong and he had to hold his breath or he would die. He couldn't hold his breath any longer. He fought again desperately but only sucked in water. I'm drowning, he thought, they've gone too far... A red haze filled my mind and he slowly relaxed.

You darted toward the Soc that was holding onto Pony but you got shoved own along with Johnny. You looked at him and he looked at the guy that shoved you both, you looked at Bob who was drowning Pony and you both nodded. You flicked your switch and Johnny tackled the man and brought him down hoping to distract him while you stabbed Bob multiple times praying he would let go of Pony, nobody hurt your brother while you were there. 

Johnny looked at you and the man wide-eyed, terrified. You looked at your switchblade which was covered in blood as well as you. You dropped to your knees as tears formed in your eyes.

"I killed a man, i-i killed a man!" You say sobbing, Johnny rushes over to you, the socs being long gone by now.

"You did what you had to, he was gonna kill Pony." He hushed holding onto you. Ponyboy started coughing up watching and getting up slowly. Opening his eyes, he stared at Bob who was dead on the concrete.

"I killed him..." You looked at him with teary eyes shaking. 

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Pony says getting up.

"Go on, we won't look," Johnny said looking back at you taking away your switchblade and retracting it.

"You killed him, huh y/n." He says looking at you.

"Lay off Pony, give her a minute." Johnny says rocking you back n' forth calming you down a bit.

"They were gonna kill you Pony, They couldn't kill you! They had a blade, they were going straight for Johnny! They would have killed us all one by one, I couldn't let that happen Pony I just couldn't!" You stammered shoving your switchblade back in your pocket.

"We're going to Dally, he will know what to do," Johnny says helping you up and still not letting go, you all then start to walk to Bucks.

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