Chapter 7

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Ponyboy's POV

Johnny had decided to go wash his hair even tho I tried to tell him he would get a cold. I'm glad Johnny was the one that ran away with me, anyone else would have never thought about soap.  Johnny finished washing his hair and I gave him Dally's jacked that he gave me, and he sat shivering on the steps at the back of the church, combing his hair back. I slouched down beside him,

"I guess," He said weakly, "I guess we're disguised."

"I guess so" I reply

"Oh shoot," Johnny started sarcastically. "It's just hair." 

"Shoot nothing,"  I snapped. "It took me a long time to get that hair just the way I wanted it. And besides, this just ain't us. It's like being in a Halloween costume we can't get out of."

"Well, we got to get used to it," Johnny said with finality. "We're in big trouble and it's our looks or us." I started eating a candy bar. 

"I'm still tired," I said. To my surprise, the ground blurred and I felt tears running down my cheeks. I brushed them off hurriedly. Johnny looked as miserable as I felt.

"I'm sorry I cut your hair off, Ponyboy."

"Oh, it ain't that," I said between bites of chocolate. "I mean, not all of it. I'm just a little spooky. I don't know what's the matter. I'm just mixed up." 

"Boys, I made up some sandwiches if you're hungry!" Y/n hollered from inside the church.

"I know," Johnny said through chattering teeth as we went inside. "Things have been happening so fast..." I put my arm across his shoulders to warm him up.

"Two-Bit shoulda been in that little one-horse store. Man, we're in the middle of nowhere, the nearest house is two miles away. Things were layin' out wide open, just waitin' for somebody slick like Two-Bit to come and pick 'em up. He coulda walked out with half the store." He leaned back beside me, and I could feel him trembling. 

"Listen, we can get through this, plus it was self-defense, not our fault those socs jumped us." Y/n chimed in handing us the sandwiches. "Pony were you eating chocolate?" She asks looking at my face.

"...No,"  I say smiling my face still full of chocolate.

"Blast it Pony, I told you we were gonna eat soon." She says snatching the rest of the bar in my hand.

"My chocolate-" I say taking a bite of my sandwich instead. "Remember how he was wisecrackin' last night?" I said. "Last night... just last night we were walkin' Cherry and Marcia over to Two-Bit's. Just last night we were layin' in the lot, lookin' up at the stars and dreaming..."

"Stop it!" Y/n gasped from between clenched teeth. "Shut up about last night! I killed a kid last night. He couldn't have been over seventeen or eighteen, and I killed him. How'd you like to live with that?" She was crying. Johnny rushed over to her and held her.

"Easy there, easy." He cooed rubbing her shoulders. She looked up at me with hopeless eyes.

"I didn't mean to," She finally blurted out, "but they were drownin' you, and I was so scared..." She was quiet for a minute. "There sure is a lot of blood in people." 

"Whatta we gonna do?"  I was crying by then. It was getting dark and I was cold and lonesome. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back, but the tears came anyway. "This is my fault," Y/n said in a miserable voice. She had stopped crying when I started. "For bringin' a little thirteen-year-old kid along, and you to Johnny! You guys ought to go home. You can't get into any trouble. You didn't kill him." 

"No!" I screamed at her. "I'm fourteen! I've been fourteen for a month! And I'm in it as much as you are. I'll stop crying in a minute... I can't help it." 

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