The War Against the St Pastry Order

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Lookie! Lookie! Back from my Hiatus.

Alright, let's get this party rollin!

3rd POV
It had been few weeks since Custard's birthday party...

Dark Vanilla has kept silent about this so that no one would have tension during the party...

But now...

Now is the day he must tell them....

And tell them he did, Red Velvet slammed his hands on the table, his sons all sitting in the meeting chair all summoned. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE ST PASTRY ORDER DECLARED WAR ON US?! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Red Velvet asked angrily. "Brother please..." Dark Choco spoke trying to calm Red down as Dark Vanilla sighed. "I didn't do what I didn't think was necessary...months ago I sent The Consul and The Elder of Politics to resolve the situation with the St Pastry Order...when, Espresso and Madeleine were shown to be allying themselves with them." Dark Vanilla informed as the three princes flinched. "The Traitor who destroyed the Republic and the Former Head of the Paladins? Why on earthbread are they even in the St Pastry Order?" Custard asked, knowing that not only did they betray the Republic, but also allied themselves to the forces of Dark Enchantress, Madeleine being responsible for the creation of Cake Monsters. "I am not sure...but, according to Purple Yam's report, it seems that they are unaware of their alliance with the Dark Priestess." Dark Vanilla implied as looking up into the window of the meeting room. "I had instructed them to see what was taking the Envoys so long, and in the act of trying to rescue them the Order saw it as an act of war against them..."

"If Espresso and Madeleine are involved, perhaps this is a trick...shouldn't we warn them about them?" Dark Choco asked as Dark Vanilla shook his head. "They won't believe a word we say, not even the Republicans...suffice to say...we have no choice but to engage them in battle..." Dark Vanilla says as he looked at them. "Prepare the Crimson Kingdom for battle...let us make haste..."

Custard stared off into the balcony, sure Dark Choco taught him war tactics, but he never expected his second time training to be a king was to suddenly be involved in actual war...and the fact that the Cookies of Darkness are planted a huge nervousness in his stomach...

Dark Vanilla had begun to prepare the defense, and strategize their battle plan for when the Order arrives, The strategy was simple, once the Order arrive and attack the Watchers and Dark Choco Cookie will take the charge, if they are outnumbered the CreamWolves and the Cake Army will attack, if the order tries to take the seas, Captain Caviar Cookie and Oyster Cookie will attack from there, if they take the skies, Head Engineer, Yogurt Crepe Cookie and the Oven Breakers will handle it...Custard feels bad for involving Gingerbrave and the rest but...Wizard and Chili Pepper are good with aerial combat due to Wizard's magic and Chili Pepper's skills in ambush. Gingerbrave and Strawberry Cookie will be deployed once Dark Vanilla activates the defense mechanism which is to pull off the Crimson Kingdom from the ground and allow it to float...after that a protective barrier will be activated by Custard, which will give footing to Gingerbrave, Strawberry and the Paladins.

Still...this strategy might be less than perfect, what if someone breaches before Custard creates the barrier? What if the defense is outnumbered? What if the Sea defense is Outnumbered? is not that perfect...but it would do...

But Custard's not convinced by that yet...

He'll not be sure if it's true victory...unless he confirms something...

"My called for us?" Black Raisin Cookie and Adventurer Cookie appeared before him as he continued to look through the balcony. "You two know how to go through the shadows and Adventurer Cookie knows where the Order currently resides...right?" Custard asks as the two guards look at each other...not only does his fears sort of, mimic his father's plausible for a child that is currently training to be the next king. "Whatever you command my prince we will follow...the concern of the Crowned Prince is the concern of a future King...your father had his doubts after the Dark Flour War nearly cause catastrophic consequences upon Earthbread...we will understand whatever it is you command." Black Raisin spoke formerly, despite her status as 'currently dating Red Velvet' she was highly respectful towards the Royal Family even in dinners.

Custard sighed as he looked at them blankly. "Infiltrate the St Pastry Order's Base...find out what Espresso Cookie and Madeleine Cookie are up to..." Custard commands as they bow in respect. "As you command my prince." Black Raisin spoke, both ambush-based cookies leaving suddenly, Black Raisin using her crows and Adventurer Cookie leaving with a simple rope. Custard is reassured...but continues to get nervous at the looming threat in front of them...

"I have foreseen the future! You will fail Son of Pure Vanilla! This world will fall into darkness!

Those words come back to mock him...what did the Priestess mean by that? Dark Enchantress is DEAD, there's no solution to bring her back, her body is disintegrated, turned to nothing but ash...his father witnessed it is it does she decide to bring her back? Is there a thing they did not see during the thousands of times scanning the Vanilla Kingdom?

Or were there more that Pomegranate couldn't see?

"Pure Vanilla...the Watchers are stationed and the Cake Hounds are in position..." Dark Choco spoke. "Good...prepare the indoor security then." Dark Vanilla spoke. "Pardon? I thought you said that if there's a risk of a breach it will only reach the kingdom's residence? We've already evacuated the citizens to the frozen village guarded by the Legend Frost Queen...what else must we miss?" Dark Choco asked. "Just in case she is likely her goal is to reach I advise you raise security here since Custard must remain in the castle...if not me, then Custard will be a target..." Dark Vanilla spoke as Dark Choco nodded. Going off to retail the security, then pausing at the door. "What do you think Espresso Cookie and Madeleine are up to?" Dark Choco asked as Dark Vanilla stared at the map of his kingdom...contemplating...Dark Choco left the room, knowing he'll tell him later, closing the door softly...

"Well...what do you think, Holder of Truth?" Speaks Wind Archer, who was hiding within the winds of the room.

Dark Vanilla thought, "Either they are finding the Soul Jam...or finding a way to bring her back..."

He wasn't matter how many times he's tried, he couldn't possibly bring them back...he's tried Blueberry Yogurt Academy, but he knows that will only bring Dark Enchantress Cookie according to Time Travel Multiversal shenanigans he has perceived during his encounter with the so-called legend TimeKeeper Director of the TBD, and honestly he did not have a fun time with his alternative version of himself...he does visit for tea via unconventional means. But never brings him back, he even tried to utilize all the Soul Jam combined, but even that didn't do as far as he knows, they are dead...and the Cookies of Darkness seek the Soul Jam to continue Dark Enchantress Cookie's vision of World Domination. "Where have you hid these powerful artifacts this time Pure Vanillia Cookie? The Soul Jam isn't in possession of the Millennial Tree anymore." Wind Archer pointed out as Dark Vanilla sighed. "Somewhere where storytellers will call it 'inconvenient' or 'destiny'" Dark Vanilla explained. "But you should keep guard just in case...they might think it's still there." He suggested as Wind Archer nodded. "And of the Soul Jam's new bearers? I am informed that all the Soul Jam is hidden for new bearers to find? How do you propose you do that?" He asks as Dark Vanilla straitened up. "Licorice will handle that...the information will remain confidential one else in the kingdom knows about this...currently he has finished modifying two of them...the other three are in the works..."

"So you're now without the power of the Soul do you cease to age?"

"There are other methods to Eternal Youth...besides, unless the Soul Jam chooses and binds itself with its new bearer...I'm still the owner of the Soul Jam until the time comes...

"And who have you chosen as the new Holder of Truth?"

"You already know who I will choose..."

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