The Kingdom's Founding Celebration p5

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3rd POV
The celebration was almost over, everyone received their fun for the day and took shelter within the castle, after a few hours, the kingdom will return back to the Crimson Kingdom...and Custard would give his speech. "That was a great day" Custard remarked stretching his arms and laying slack on the couch. "You better rest your energy, the speech is about to start" Dark Choco spoke sitting beside him. "I'm a little nervous though...this is the first speech I've ever done..." Custard remarked to Dark Choco. "But since I practiced, I'm sure it'll be the best speech I've ever made!" Custard spoke with confidence as the two brothers chuckled. Dark Vanilla stared at all three of them...

They were his boys...his boys...

He wonders...and wonders...his son's birthday is coming up...what should he give him this time? Or maybe...perhaps it is time, he sighed, causing the 3 princes to stare. "I'll be changing back now, you 3 relax for a bit." Dark Vanilla suggested, he walked away from the room as all of them greeted him farewell as he proceeded to head towards his room. He sighed as he rubbed his neck, he was quite sore...

"Your Majesty." Licorice greeted him at his door as he entered his chambers. The Court Mage and Adviser remained outside as he begun to change. "What is the status of the St. Pastry Order?" Dark Vanilla asked as he changed into his usual attire. "Elder Custard and Professor Clotted Creme Cookie are on their way to negotiate with them. After all the St.Pastry Order used to reside in the republic before it was destroyed by Espresso and Pomegranate Cookie." Licorice informed remaining outside, but speaking clearly so that the Crimson King could hear him. "I see...thank you for entrusting them with this job, as much as they now reside in our kingdom, the St. Pastry Order will understand it is merely because of their origin." Dark Vanilla remarked beginning to put on his cape. "And they might relay my apology to them..."

"I do not see why you have to apologize to them Your Majesty, they tried to assassinate your son!" Licorice spoke clearly angry. "I know...but that cookie and her cult are unreasonable, as such we must admit a loss...for now..." Dark Vanilla spoke as he finally put on his crown and opened the doors to his chamber. "However, as a precaution, tell Milk Cookie to prepare the guards...and to double them on the day of the 16th, we must not have unnecessary dangers upon our kingdom." Dark Vanilla ordered as Licorice bowed. "As you wish my king..." Licorice spoke as he left the area, ready to relay Dark Vanilla's orders. Dark Vanilla merely walked away from the door and went back to his sons.

And after a few hours...the celebration would end...

Dark Vanilla and his sons stood in view of the balcony to the whole kingdom. It was silence...then Custard began to deliver his speech. He nervously walked over to the front of the balcony and looked over to his brother...his friends...and finally his gave him the confidence he needed. "Ahem, Greetings, Our Fellow subjects! It is my honor to give you the closing speech for today's celebration." Custard spoke as the crowd began to applaud finally seeing the crowned prince of their kingdom. "Years ago, our beloved kingdom was founded by none other than Pure Vanilla. He vowed to make this kingdom about unity, about peace and about knowledge. Some say that that has changed since the tragic times of the Dark Flour War. But I say different, this kingdom, will still be about unity, about peace and will live up to its old times! It may look new, it may change, but the Vanilla Kingdom's spirit never will! To a New Era!" Custard declared as all of them cheered. Dark Vanilla stared at his son it wonderment as they applauded. As the crowd did, as Dark Choco and Red Velvet did, as his friends did...then all was silent...time seemed to's as if...

As if he knew he would be ok

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As if he knew he would be ok...

The Celebration had ended, the Crimson Kingdom was restored and everyone cleaned up for a good night's rest later on. Custard began to yawn in his bed. "That was a busy day!" He remarked. "Sure was, alright good night, bro, the Watchers and I are going hunting tomorrow." Dark Choco spoke as Custard's eyes gleamed. "Really?! Ok! I'll rest easy!" Custard spoke. Dark Choco chuckled as he closed the door, knowing how obedient his brother was...

The celebration has come to a was time to rest...except for him and Dark Vanilla...he met up with him in his office (or something) "How are things with the St. Pastry Order?" Dark Choco said the first time he came inside. "Clotted Cream Cookie and Elder Custard are en-route to them as we speak." Dark Vanilla spoke as he was in the room. "Alright...that's good...and uh...where's my sword?" Dark Choco asked concerned, sure...the sword was dangerous for him to hold it since it was cursed, but it's more dangerous for others to fall for it. "Yeah, I placed it in your room. There should be no more voice calling to it...I simply replaced the gem." Dark Vanilla informed as Dark Choco nodded. "Are you okay? Did you have fun at least?" He asked calmly, the room fell silent...Dark Vanilla pondered his answer. "I'm not sure if it was 'fun' but...I did feel happy..." Dark Vanilla spoke as honest as ever, Dark Choco smiled and chuckled. "I see...well then...good night Pure Vanilla." Dark Choco spoke as he begun opening the door. "Good Night." Dark Vanilla replied.

In the night...of the St Pastry Order.

"I the Vanillians en-route are ordered to come here by the Tyrant Ancient...thank you for informing us." Pastry spoke to the unidentified cookie. "Of course! It is my vision to see the St. Pastry Order strive after all! The only light left in our great republic! Madeleine here approves!" The man spoke with a dismissive matter. "I shall keep your words in mind...thank you...

Espresso Cookie"

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