Sweet sailing

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Blaze started moving slowly and as carefully as possible, moving down from the high structure while making sure that the person who was asleep on his back wouldn't slip while Ell and Levi were walking behind him.

They walked for a while and reached a place where more than five deer corpses were placed beneath the tree that was hunted by Levi and Blaze when they were chasing Ell.

As they didn't have any space to carry them, Ell took them and put them all in his space, and they all continued back, and just after fifteen minutes they were at their caves and sitting under the flower tree in their lawn, roasting and eating the meat together while talking.

"I think, now, calling you guys 'pursuers' would be wrong because it's misleading," said Jessica while eating.

"You can call us mates!" replied Ell, making Jessica speechless. "What would you like to term us as?" replied Blaze, when he looked at her face.

"Since I've agreed to be your mate, which in my world is equivalent to accepting a marriage proposal, we can call each other fiancé," she explained.

"That's so nice!" exclaimed Blaze.

"Jessica is our fiancé, and we are yours, right?" said Levi, as if still trying to confirm, and received a smile from her.

"This sounds much better than mates, humans are indeed quite intelligent that they could come up with such a beautiful term," said Ell in an appreciative manner, receiving a laugh from Jessica.




Jessica is sitting in the river while the suns were shining brightly on the water, with her back supported by the river bank, wearing her black snake skin bikini and her shades on to avoid getting her eyes hurt by the strong glare, and with a green water-filled coconut and a wooden straw in her hand.

She is relaxing her body while enjoying the hair wash session with Ell, who is happily supporting her head as he massages her head with a red gel-like substance that he created after collecting a lot of fruits and herbs together, with a beautiful calm smile on his face.

In front of them, inside the river, a big white tiger and a black python were entangled with each other so enthusiastically that it was hard to tell whether they were fighting or playing as they kept on lifting and splashing each other into the water, creating huge ripples and making the atmosphere quite lively.

It's been four days (that in reality felt like a week to her) since she accepted them as her fiancé  and in these days a lot happened like she got to know that the room she was staying in was actually Blaze's because one day before when she came back after taking the bath and entered the room to change her clothes, she saw Blaze standing inside it naked, which made her scream in surprise, but when she realised that he was also changing in his room, she realised that it was her who was the intruder and not him so she apologized.

But instead of blaming her or something, Blaze said that he was very honoured that she wanted to use his room, so he told her that he would create another room for himself, and before she could've stopped him, she saw that he got into his beast form and started ploughing the cave wall to create a brand-new room opposite Jessica's.

Surprisingly, it only took him a single day, and he had already created a room as big as hers and even asked for her opinion, because according to him, males are supposed to decorate their homes in order to get females to accept them. 

Not only that, he even gave her a big canine tooth that he transformed into a pendant using a white string and made her wear it when he saw her wearing Levi's scale, which according to him was his milk tooth that every tiger beastman cherishes a lot.
Now, how can our Ell stay behind? So he also gave her a necklace that he created using his many bright, colourful red feathers.

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