Distressed faces

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Ell who was flying leisurely in the sky above the high trees toward his destination 'Amorous flower field ' was already in ninth cloud, he couldn't stop himself from smiling as he kept on imagining his mating ritual with Jessica, he already planned a lot for their future about how she will stay with him in his nest, how they will mate with each other and will give birth to beautiful Phoenix who will take after their mother's beauty and father's strength, if they grew up then they will have another nestling and if beast God blessed them they will have a beautiful daughter who will become the most beautiful female after her mother, and when she will grow up she will be having a lot many suitors but her father and brothers will make sure to keep her safe from those filthy males after all how can they allow their family's treasure being stolen.
While planning, Ell was making all sorts of expressions as if he was experiencing everything when his sharp eyes suddenly noticed the movement of the large trees. He focused his vision and saw that it was none other than Blaze. He became confused because this was definitely not a part of their plan, so what the hell was Blaze doing by running like this?
Ell changed his direction and flew toward Blaze while clamping his claws in outrage because he noticed that Jessica was in his arms, and it suddenly struck him that what if he already mated with her and decided not to wait for him? This thought fueled his rage, so he suddenly made an intense dive toward him like a bullet while screeching a warning to stop him, but to his surprise, neither Blaze looked at him nor stopped.

Ell made a sudden halt with his force and landed on the ground carefully because even if he was angry, he would not dare attack Blaze when Jessica was in his arms because he couldn't forgive himself if she got hurt, so he looked toward the departing image of Blaze, who was running crazily without caring about his surroundings.

As Ell kept on looking at him he noticed Jessica's face that was placed on Blaze's shoulder, earlier he thought that probably she was asleep and that's why Blaze was holding her like this but when he noticed that her hands were hanging as if they were lifeless suddenly gave a piercing pain in his chest, he suddenly turned in his beast form and flew over the trees to follow Blaze who was already out of his sight, he kept on looking at Jessica and soon realized that something was definitely wrong with her, he lowered himself but because of his big size he couldn't flew between the trees so he made a long screech telling Blaze that he will carry her but maybe his voice didn't reach to Blaze or maybe he decided to ignore it because Ell didn't receive any response which somehow made him irritated.

All the way, Blaze not only kept on running but kept on passing his internal energy into her body from his hands. For the first time in his life, he felt himself getting so panicked that he couldn't even think straight, and in this kind of wretched situation, all he felt was a deep sense of guilt, because it was him who took her here; if he hadn't brought her here, only if he hadn't listened to Ell's nonsense, only if he hadn't become greedy, only if he hadn't...
While blaming himself for everything, he covered the whole path in a half hour that took nearly two hours earlier, entered the lawn, and rushed toward the cave, where Levi, who earlier was resting in his beast form, came outside after sensing his brother's unexpected pace and timing and was standing at the entrance.

When Blaze saw Levi, he suddenly darted toward him and instantly pushed Jessica into his arms, and before Levi could have asked something, he ran away into the woods while saying, "Take her inside."

Levi instantly got hold of the situation and followed his words, he took her to the room where she slept and sat down while holding Jessica in his arms, constantly looking at her pale face. He tried to shake her while calling her name, but didn't get any response.

Looking at her lifeless body, Levi was already in deep anguish; the only thing that was holding him from going berserk was the feeling of the heart that was still beating, telling him that she was alive. He put her down and soon brought a bowl full of water with some animal hides. After holding her in his arms, he carefully started wiping her face and arms with his shaking hands.

By doing so, he was trying his best to stay in his right state because he could feel his fury taking over him. After wiping her face, he cupped her face in his trembling hands, and while touching her forehead with his, he slowly whispered in a nervous tone, "You'll be fine, nothing will happen,"  when suddenly he heard a flapping sound.

Ell, who finally landed, rushed toward the room but sat down with a thump onto the ground just before he was about to enter. He used his force to look up in his front, but what he saw was something he had never seen.

Levi's hair was covering his face because of his posture while leaning on Jessica with his hands, making him look like a horror figure in the dim room while his eyes, which were originally golden, were now glowing. The glow was not something that would make them beautiful because he looked more like a demonic beast whose wrath was overflowing from his eyes in the form of some gold smoke.
Ell couldn't help but shudder when he saw Levi's killing intent and his king-level beast suppression, not only in fear of Levi but also of Jessica, because he knew what he'd done would never allow him to look into her eyes again if she realised the plan was his.

When Levi saw Ell, it broke his last bit of patience, and he just wanted to kill him as he kept on increasing his suppression on him due to the fact that Ell was now on his four, but maybe Ell's pride took over his guilt because he also started confronting Levi with his suppression on an equal footing.

Ell's retortion only increased Levi's rage, and now his last bit of sense was lost as he put Jessica carefully on the bedding while getting up and moving toward Ell. just before he was about to give the final lethal blow to Ell, who surprisingly was now standing on his two legs after concentrating all of his strength, which could be seen by the anxiousness on his face.

Levi clenched his fist and was about to throw the punch when suddenly Blaze came rushing into the room like a wind and sat down beside Jessica, he put down all the herbs he was holding in his arms and started to grind them in a mortar by using a pestle made of stone. While grinding the herbs he said "Take your issue out of the cave, if you both can't be of any help then don't try to become a nuisance. Especially you, Levi, you know that even if you don't want to, your suppression is affecting me and I'm sure Jessica as well," he said, trying to keep his mind calm in such a panicked situation.

Listening to Blaze's words, Levi instantly withdrew his suppression but still threw the punch, which dealt a huge blow to an unguarded Ell because his body struck the opposite wall. Levi rushed toward Jessica's side and sat down while holding her hand, Blaze was also ready with the medicine, so he stretched out his hand to lift Jessica's head to feed her the medicine, but Levi smacked his hand and lifted Jessica in his arms.

He looked toward Blaze with outrage and took the medicine from him while, carefully opening her mouth with his hand, he fed her medicine. Blaze was sad instead of angry because he knew that he brought this upon himself and that, because of this, he couldn't say anything to her, so he silently picked up Jessica's hand on his side and started to rub it.

Jessica's eyes flickered after five minutes, which suddenly brought hope to the gloomy faces of the guys sitting beside her, especially the guy who was impatiently observing her all the time from the room's entrance since he himself didn't get the permission to enter.

Jessica opened her eyes quite comfortably because the lighting didn't hurt her eyes, The first thing she saw was Levi's face, who was definitely about to cry while holding her, so before he could, she stretched out her hand and cupped his face while giving a soft smile after seeing his distressed expression. She said, "I'm all fine, so don't make that face" and tried to get up as she felt her strength coming back in her body again, Levi supported her and made her sit on his lap without letting go of his hand around her waist. His actions made Jessica give a helpless smile, so she decided to ignore his hand on her sensitive waist. She turned and saw that they weren't alone because Blaze was sitting with his head down on the other side. Looking at his state, completely opposite to his cheerful nature, Jessica couldn't help but get a little worried, so she stretched out her other free hand toward him and lifted his face by his chin to get a proper look.

She saw that he was crying, and when he saw that Jessica was looking at his shameful countenance, he turned his face in mortification. Jessica instantly tried to wipe his face, but since he had already moved slightly, he was already out of her reach, so without a second's waiting, she retracted her hand from Levi's face and used it to remove Levi's hand from her waist. Levi was shocked because of her reaction, so he let go of her waist and saw her moving toward Blaze in dismay. He saw how she went toward his side and cupped his face by using her both hands, which definitely broke something deep in his chest.

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