UCW High Impact #89

Start from the beginning

Reverend Gray: This, however, is no time to celebrate Daniel. Yes, you may have gotten through Shovel Knight, but that was due to the chance he offered because of Edward Mason and we both know him well and what he's capable of doing to get what he wants so if i am correct he's probably going to want a shot.

Daniel: That is true, Reverend. However, we have a situation where Kagerou could ruin that and then Shovel Knight who will surely be in conflict on what to do since Edward may have proven himself as ready to go for my title, which he isn't, and he doesn't exactly like him but yet letting Kagerou get ahead of the line considering how their small time partnership ended would probably not sit well either.

Reverend Gray: I think i've got an idea that is going to be fair for all 3 of them.
Edward, Kagerou and Shovel Knight, if you three are here please listen to me. I have come with the way to solve this situation.
Episode 91 will see two of you three in Kagerou and Edward face off in a match where the winner will face off against Daniel on Episode 93. However, to make it fairer for all sides?. Shovel Knight will be the referee and should he be a fair official, then as long as my fellow Sinner Punisher and Intercontinental Champion, Daniel Dickens, agrees...he'll get a shot at the title on Episode 95. Do you agree with these terms Daniel?

Daniel: No issue there. It is our duty to punish those who sin and to be able to do so back to back is great!. Good luck to you 3!. You'll need it if you want to beat me for the IC Title.

*The segment ends with the crowd mixed since while they are booing that Shovel Knight AND Kagerou could get title shots back to back, there is a chance that Edward does too plus this whole idea the Reverend has come up with?. It is truly interesting*

4- UCW Tag Team Championship N1 Contender's match: Greedy Bastards (Wario and Waluigi) vs Iku Honda and Inori Himuro:

First up we see the GB in control thanks to Wario basically playing with being the heaviest due to muscle in the match as he uses this (alongside Waluigi using his large body to shift weight) to prevent Inori from being able to do much with the strength he showcased before this was into play and that esentially forcing Iku to be tagged in to think of how to get rid of the load of weight they had in front of them which only screwed them more since Iku was easier to lift and handle despite being smarter and good at figuring things out thus essentially causing the GB to go from a 65/35 lead to a 85/15 one.

Now we see the match turning on the side of Inori and Iku enough to have the disadvantage be reduced (but not gone due to the damage from Waluigi and Wario's strength and dominance) to 65/35 thanks to Iku realizing something curious. While Wario was moreso of a one piece on a place even if sturdier, Waluigi had two large targets in his legs and arms due to his tall height and while at first he didn't succeed due to these being tools for Waluigi to keep Iku at bay, once he managed to get behind him, he started attacking Waluigi's limbs to cripple him essentially due to the weight shift needing Waluigi's height for it and with the arms or legs not holding on, it reduced the disadvantage even if Wario was still there to prevent it from disappearing entirely.

This is when things took a turn for the worse for the challengers. Inori sent a chair to Iku basically thinking that they had to use them to keep Wario down enough to focus on Waluigi which normally would've been done as a way of solving the problem...but Iku felt unsure this was a good idea due to Waluigi and Wario's antics showing they knew their way around it and they could've seen a way to prevent it from getting into a disadvantage thus he hesitated...and Wario took FULL advantage of it by having Waluigi distract the ref while he low blowed Iku, sent him towards Inori toppling him down the apron to the floor and then whacked Iku with the chair on the back before regaining control of the match fully to 85/15 as it was a handicap match and Iku couldn't figure out how to beat him.

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