Being Confusing-America's Favorite Hobby

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Arizona's POV
"Sunny! We have a problem!" My twin yelled as she rushed into my room.

"What is it Xico?" I asked, putting down my book.

"Our lovely Grandfather is attempting to follow Papa, Louis, and New England home, andMonty texted me asking if I can get you to distract Britain while they head home. Apparently Britain was trying to manipulate Papa and being an ass." New Mexico said.

"And why'd he text you and not me?" I asked.

"Because you threw your phone into a volcano, and then blocked everyone as soon as you got a new one." New Mexico answered.

"Oh right, I forgot about that. And I didn't block everyone! Hawaii and her kids are still unblocked!" I protested. New Mexico gave me a confused look.

"Why those six-seven-how many kids does Hawaii have again?"

"Who knows? I bet Hawaii doesn't even know." I answered, causing New Mexico to snort.

"Well you ain't wrong there." She said. I smiled.

"So where am I needed again?" I asked. New Mexico pulled out her phone, and glared at it.

" world, just outside of Romania's house." She answered.

"You say that like I know where that is." I replied, placing a bookmark in my book.

"Three miles south from Aunt Bavaria's place." She clarified. I nodded.

"Alright. Gracias Nueva México!" I said, before bringing myself to the country world. I appeared roughy where I needed to be, and I looked around, spotting my family.

"¡Hola familia! ¡Y hijo de puta Gran Bretaña!" I called over, getting everyone's attention.

"Hey Ari. What's up?" Massachusetts asked, a relieved look in his eyes.

"Nothing much, Masshole. I just heard that the man who's in possession of my bridge had finally rubbed his two brain cells together and found out my the states were personified. Truly Britain is a genus." I said, causing many New England states to snicked, as Louisiana rolled his eyes, and Massachusetts gave me a fond smile.

"I'm sorry, your bridge?" Britain interjected. I turned to face him, clasping my hands together.

"Yes, my bridge. Arizona's bridge. Also known as the London bridge." I said. Britain gaped at me, while I saw my family begin to leave, some disappearing back to their states, and Massachusetts, Louisiana, Vermont, and Papí stayed behind.

"London bridge doesn't belong to an American! Especially not a child!" Britain insisted. I smiled, relishing in his confusion. I had been wanting to do this since forever, and since it was now Papí approved, I wouldn't have to worry about getting in trouble for it!

At least, I think it was Papí approved. At most it was Massachusetts approved which is just as good. Papí probably appreciated getting out of the situation anyways.

"Oh yes it does. Unfortunately I don't have the receipt on me, but your people sold my people that bridge ages ago." I insisted, causing his face to get angry, as it started to flush a really unflattering shade of red.

"I really don't appreciate the attitudes you grandchildren have been displaying. If it was up to me-"

"But it's not." I said, cutting off Britain, "It's not up to you, and it hasn't been for a long time. So why do you care so much? Do you miss having control over others, miss when they feared you so much that you could order them to hurt each other and they would out of fear? Do you miss that?"

"I never ordered anyone to hurt each other. I have, and always will care deeply about the well being of my children and grandchildren. That's why I'm concerned about you. I don't want you to get hurt because you weren't raised right." Britain said, his voice taking on a caring tone.

Wow, he was good at this. He knew how to read others and he used that ability well. It was a shame I already knew how much of a manipulative asshole he was. It just made everything he tried less effective.

Although, he had a reason for wanting information. Maybe if I tried to play into his manipulations, I could find out why.

"I'm afraid I don't understand. How can I be raised improperly? My Papí has raised a lot of children, so by the time I came along, my Papí knew what he was doing." I said, picking my words carefully. Britain, with all his attention focused on manipulating me, didn't even realize the last of my family slipping away, with Massachusetts giving me a thumbs up.

"Your 'Papí' as you call him, never seemed to discipline some of you. I just want to make sure none of his kids were...were raised in a way that could cause them harm later in life. But more importantly than that, I want to get to know my grandchildren." He said. He sounded so sincere, it was really easy to see how he got into Papí's head so often. Of course, part of that is also because he's been conditioning Papí since he was taken from his native family to be obedient and listen.

"Well, Britain, to me it seems like you just want to achieve the same influence over us that you have over Papí, along with many of our cousins and uncles and siblings. I'm not falling for it. Papí asked you to leave him alone. Leave him, and us the hell alone. This time we're asking. Next time, we might not. You have put us through hell before, and that's not even bringing up all the emotional pain you put my father and the original states through. You, Britain, are the main reason that our father kept us secret. Out of everyone, you have the least amount of right to know!" I snapped.

Britain actually looked shocked by this. I guess he didn't really expect his words to make me more upset. Nor did he expect to be outright denied in his attempt to learn personal details about my family.

"I'm sorry, what?" He said, his posh London accent slipping into something less refined.

"You heard me, Limey. Leave us Yankee's want you to leave us alone. So leave. Us. Alone." I said, punctuating those last words with my disappearance back home.

Papí and Hawaii were right. He was a massive entitled dick.

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