Acting Weird

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Scotland's POV

There was something up with England. Despite the revelation of America's states and the strange unidentified country, England seemed to be disinterested in the whole thing. Well, aside from when Britain described the flag of the unidentified country.

Then he looked panicked. Scared. There was realization on his face. England knew that flag. He knew something. He knew who that was.

And he didn't say anything. Well, England couldn't speak at all most of the time, thanks to his injury-caused muteness, but we all knew sign. He could have told us that way.

But why England, of all people? Why him? Everyone knew America didn't like him. So why would America tell him who that man was and not us?

Or did America even willingly tell him about that man? Was that man some sort of native tribe that both England and America knew the flag of? But native nations, personifications for groups of people, those were common. It's not like having those personifications living in your country was a bad thing.

But according to Britain, America seemed scared of that personification. Was England scared of that mystery man too? Had that man threatened them?

Everyone had something to hide. But keeping an entire personification secret was not acceptable. After all, UN banned it after he found out what some empires had done previously.

Not that that stopped America, apparently. Or others.

But that wasn't the point. The point was that England had information I wanted, which meant I would have to go to Wales to see if Wales could get it out of him.

I was not looking forward to that. While Wales was a reliable source of information, making a deal with him was like making a deal with the devil. You never knew what you were going to have to trade away to get what you wanted. His dragon detachment also made that sentence very ironic.

But still, I wanted to know what England was hiding. This was the best way to do it.

No one knew England better than Wales, even with Jersey and Guernsey's experiences with the man.

So even if Wales wasn't the blackmailing genius he was, I would still have to go to them to get the information I wanted, or to figure out how to get the information I wanted.

That meant that it was time to make a deal with the devil.

"Hey, A' Chuimrigh! Can I talk to you?" I said, walking up to Wales as we left the room, England quickly rushing by us.

"Sure you can Alban. Want to know what my cousin is up to, and what he knows, I presume?" Wales said. I nodded, not surprised that Wales had already figured that out, although maybe he wanted to know as well. Wales smiled, fangs poking over their lip.

"Good. So do I. He looked like he was planning something, which, knowing him, probably isn't a good thing. He definitely knows who that man was, but that fact that he won't tell probably means he has a deal with America, or America is blackmailing him. But if America is scared of the man, the man could also be blackmailing him alongside Lloegr." Wales said with a shrug.

"If Ameireagaidh or that man are really blackmailing Sasainn, do you think you can out-blackmail either of them and get Sasainn to talk?" I asked. Wales smirked, and nodded.

"Alban, I can out blackmail anyone. Trust me, I've been forced to live with my cousin for my entire life. I know way more embarrassing things about him than most people will ever know. Besides, the man cares so much about his precious fucking non existent reputation. He crumbles easily to blackmail." Wales said. I snorted at that.

England really did care so much about what people thought of him. Even though he definitely knew that nobody liked him anymore, old habits die hard.

Maybe that was the reason he kept that man a secret. Was it something that would destroy what little was left of his reputation?

"A' Chuimrigh, you know embarrassing things about everyone. It's why people are afraid of you." I told him. Wales's eyes became sad, before he moved to cover it up. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry A' Chu-" I started to say, before Wales shrugged off my hand and interrupted me.

"I can most likely get the information we want out of Lloegr. I'll text you when I do." They said coldly, before marching off. I flinched at Wales's cold dismissal, knowing that some embarrassing story of mine would be made public for that comment.

And knowing I shouldn't have said it at all.

Wales didn't like being called scary if he didn't want to be on purpose. It reminded him too much of England's torture. It reminded him too much of being dehumanized and beaten, before England tried to kill him.

You knew that you idiot! Why did you have to be so stupid and say that? I thought angrily to myself. I would have to make that up to Wales next time I got the chance.

Hopefully he knew it wasn't intentional. I was a shit brother for saying that. Why did I say that? God, don't I ever think?

I would need to make it up to him. I would need to make it up to Wales. Even though he was scary smart and scary when it came to blackmail, he was also the biggest, dorky mess you've ever seen.

And a massive nerd.

Wales may have his blackmail, but he still hadn't figured out I knew he wrote fanfiction.

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