Brotherly Love

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Illinois POV

"So let me get this straight. You invited Texas to the UN meeting because you two wanted the states to be revealed. Texas ratted out Liberia as being the person behind it and now Dad and Dee are promising to punish you severely, and you want us to help get you out of the house." Nevada said as I cackled at their situation.

"Yes that's what happened and Noi can you please shut up." Texas said.

"Absolutely not." I said through my laughter, "Oh I can't believe Liberia got ratted out immediately by Texas."

"Oh come on! If you planned this you would have been ratted out too!" Liberia insisted. I shook my head, laughter calming down.

"Libby, I have ways to make sure nobody would rat me out." I said.

"What, you gonna pull a Wales?" He asked.

"Well yes, but also I was a part of the mob during Prohibition, I picked up a thing or two." I said. Although I hated the fact that the mob still had me under their thumb, and controlled me, I could still appreciate what they taught me. It's the only way I've been able to keep that secret, to protect my family and my human identity.

Also it came in handy when I worked as a spy in Lithuania during the Cold War. Mainly to help Dad and the Baltics keep in touch since Dad still recognized them as independent nations.

Speaking of that, I would have to try and meet Lithuania at some point again. She was a very fun person to be around.

"Wait, you were actually part of the mob?" Liberia asked, shock in his voice.

"Yes? Dude, that's common knowledge." Texas said.

"I thought it was just a joke! What the hell?" Liberia said. Nevada giggled at that.

"You are not ready to hear about me and Yorkie then." He said.

"YOU AND NEW YORK WERE ALSO PART OF THE MOB?" Liberia yelled. Texas and Nevada laughed, while I smiled uncomfortably, tense. Talking about being part of the mob always made me so nervous. I didn't want them to find out what the mob was doing to me, or making me do.

The knowledge of the bug on my phone only made me more uncomfortable.

I hope that won't hurt me because of this.

Nevada must have noticed by uncomfortableness, because he quickly changed the subject. My body posture relaxed, and I gave Nevada a relieved smile. Thank God for my little brother and the fact that he knew. I don't think I would have been able to go through the blackmail and humiliation if it wasn't for him and New York. And Michigan, even if he didn't know.

"So Liberia, even though you are an independent nation, you are still here and letting yourself be grounded. Why?" Nevada asked.

"I fear Dee more than I fear anything else on Earth." Liberia said bluntly.

"She's terrifying." Texas said, shuddering slightly.

"Give me ten bucks and I'll tell you an embarrassing story about her." I said. Texas looked excited at that, and pulled out ten dollars and gave it to me.

"Thanks." I said, pocketing it and turning to Nevada, "So Vada, how do you think we should smuggle these two out?"

"You aren't going to tell me anything?" Texas asked, incredulous.

"Nah I just wanted ten dollars." I said. Texas groaned as our brothers laughed.

"I shouldn't have trusted you." He said. My smile faded some at that. Of course he didn't trust me. I was betraying them all the time and I needed to leave and to get away, it was too much and I felt the guilt well up again and I needed to go and-

I cut off my panicked thoughts before the panic attack started, and tried to swallow down the panic in my throat. I couldn't let them see that something was wrong. Then they could find out and if they found out...I couldn't let them find out.

I just had to get through this. Then I could hide in my room.

"Come on Tex, you know how Noi is. He's a conman and a liar!" Liberia said with a smile. I knew he was joking, but it was bringing up the guilt and the pain and I wanted to cry and hug them and confess and destroy the bug and trackers and I couldn't because then they would hurt my family!

I can't let them do that.

So I forced myself to smile.

"Any more insults to me and I'll just tell Dee about you asking me and Vada for help." I said. That would stop the insults and make it easier to hide the guilt and the pain. It was only for less than an hour. I could do this. I could!

"Got it. No more insults. I really don't want to face Dee's wrath getting worse." Texas said.

"Good." I said with a small nod, "Now here's the plan. I go with Libby and sneak him out that window by NASA's room. After NASA's stargazing field is the woods and once you start running in there, you shouldn't be found. Vada can go with Tex and sneak him out the outside cellar door, since that opens up to where that cornfield is, so you can get lost in that."

"Running through the cornfields. Reminds me of that one time when we were with Yorkie and we were trying to-" Nevada began before I cut him off, not wanting Liberia or Texas to hear this story.

"Yes Nevada I remember you don't have to tell everyone." I said, blushing with embarrassment. Nevada laughed.

"Sorry, but it's just so easy to embarrass you with that." He said.

"Well now I want to hear this story." Liberia said, looking excited. Nevada smiled his crooked grin, and put his hands behind his back.

"Oh you do? What would you pay for it?" He asked in his conman voice. Liberia's face changed to one of fear as that happened.

"Never mind, I am no longer interested in knowing. Hey Noi, let's leave now. Please?" Liberia asked. I laughed quietly, and nodded.

"We can go." I said, walking out of Nevada's room, Liberia following me. We walked in silence for a minute, before Liberia spoke up.

"Are you okay Noi? You are too quiet, you aren't laughing as loud, and you looked uncomfortable back there." I nodded and smiled.

"Of course I'm fine Libby. Just a bit worried about the countries knowing about us. It's exciting, but nerve wracking." I said, grateful that I was good at lying. Liberia was probably the worst person who could find out about my situation, with his inability to keep any type of secret.

"Okay..." Liberia said, looking at me with suspicion, "You'd tell us if something was wrong though, right?"

"Of course I would Libby." I said as I opened the window, "Now let's get you out of here before we get caught."

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