The Pricks Named After England

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In this chapter I make helicopter_stan canon in my countryhumans universe. For her first crime committed in my universe, she has New England burn down England's house. For more of Azael's canon crimes, check out I Made Azael Canon and She Wants to Commit Crimes coming to Wattpad libraries near you this next time I have motivation.

Massachusetts POV
"We lost Vermont." New Hampshire said as we used the map Uncle Ireland gave us to work our way to England's house.

"You knew he would only try to be the 'mature oldest sibling who's so smart and responsible' again. I say it's good he's gone. No one can stop us from making bad choices now!" Maine said cheerily.

"And besides, it's obvious where he is. Off to go see Canada again, his other-"

"NO!" Connecticut, New Hampshire, and I yelled, cutting off Rhode Island from saying that one fact we all liked to pretend wasn't true. Because seeing it as true? That was disturbing.

Not like the rest of the family tree wasn't, but still, the more uncomfortable family relations and ties we could bury and hide away, the better.

"Sorry, sorry. I won't bring it up again. Let's just make sure England stays quiet, and maybe do some other things. Just like we planned." Rhode Island said, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Maine smiled and nodded, pulling out an elegant and beautifully crafted knife out of his hoodie pocket. It wasn't the usual knife he carried, the one he used for carving his antlers. Where did he get a knife like that?

"Hell yeah. I'm so excited for this plan. I even got this knife just for it." He said.

"Where the hell did you get that Maine?" New Hampshire asked. Maine shrugged.

"I have a friend who stans helicopters and owns knives"

"You have a WHAT?" Rhode Island asked.

"Michigan has amazing people. Y'all should really befriend some of them." He said, like that explained any of what he just said.

"I want a knife, please introduce me to them sometimes." Connecticut said. I nodded in agreement.

"After we murder-I mean talk-to England, let's all visit your friend and get knives for when Father finally lets us kill England." I said. The others nodded in agreement and I smiled, checking Uncle Ireland's map, which revealed we were close.

"I'll let her know." Maine said, pulling out his phone. Rhode Island smiled widely, something that would have concerned me if I wasn't just as eager to get a few hits in on the man that hurt us and our father.

Sure, Father and England called each other family again, but what was the point of having family if they didn't decide that they wanted you dead every now and again? Perfectly normal family behavior.

And even if it wasn't I'd still stab the asshole as payback if he had spilled the beans on who the Confederacy was. Father wouldn't like us most likely destroying one of his closest alliances, so to ensure no one got trigger happy I made sure I stressed the importance that we were just going there to be nuisances, and that murder was out of the question.

For now.

Although thinking back on it maybe the blood pact was a bit much. Although that was Connecticut's idea, not mine. But taking advice from my siblings when they are high probably isn't the smartest idea. However, it also gave me the best and the funniest ideas so I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon.

I smiled as I saw a house appear, recognizing it as the one the United Kingdom and their territories live in.

"Alright boys, we're here." I said, rolling up the map. New Hampshire snorted.

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