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Ireland's POV

"I'm going to try and talk to Ame." I said, not even sure if anyone was listening, as they were focused on Liberia, before rushing out of the room.

"Ame wait up!" I said as I ran to catch up with my nephew. He stopped and waited for me to reach his side.

"So." America said, before he paused, as if he was thinking about what he was going to say next.

"So they know about your states. Honestly, it's about time they rubbed their collective half a brain cell together and realized it." I said. America laughed.

"Uncail Éire you didn't realize it till me and Mass told you." He said with a smile. I nudged his shoulder.

"But we don't have to tell Bhreatain that. He can just assume I'm smarter than him. Well, I mean I am smarter than him so even if you didn't tell me I'm sure I would have figured out about your clann before him." I said.

"Sure you would have." America said sarcastically.

"Don't doubt me I would have." I said, before becoming serious, "They won't be ready."

"You don't think I know that? I'm worried Uncail. It's just...I dunno, something inevitably is going to go wrong, it always does. And they saw him. We can only keep him a secret for so long." America said. I gave him a side hug.

"You'll figure something out. And no one'll say a word about him. That issue is just as personal to them as it is to you. You'll be fine Meiriceá." I said. America leaned into the hug and sighed.

"Just because it's personal doesn't mean they won't bring it up. I's bad enough that the states are an open secret now, but him? Uncail Éire you know how hard it's been for the states to keep him a secret from the other territories, but now, with the countries. Someone is going to slip up and I don't want to have to deal with that." America said, his voice anxious and slightly frightened.

"Yeah, someone will slip eventually, but maybe that'll be a good thing?" I suggested nervously, knowing America probably wasn't going to like the suggestion. After all, civil wars aren't exactly the easiest subject to talk about, but America's was a particularly bloody and traumatizing one. Even I knew that, and I wasn't even a part of it.

But still, visiting America and seeing that looks in his eyes, and feeling the tension in the air of his house, you just knew that what happened hadn't been easy, and as America slowly opened up about it more to me and Haváí-Hawaii, well let's just say we didn't like what we were told.

"No! No no no no no no no no." America said quickly, like if he could say no enough times it could make the idea disappear as he pulled away from the hug, "Uncail Éire if someone slips about that or about him...I....I don't think I could handle that."

"Alright. Your call. I'll tell England to keep his mouth shut about that. I know you've threatened him to make him keep his mouth shut, but it doesn't hurt to have more people telling him to shut the hell up." I said.

"Does 'shut the hell up' apply to British sign language, or is it for the rare moment when England decides to grace us with his wonderful voice?" America said.

"I regret teaching you sarcasm."

"Please I would have learned about sarcasm even if it wasn't for you."

"From who? Wales? Actually, no, Wales is pretty sarcastic when he needs to be." I said, thinking back to that one incident in 1721 that almost led to Scotland being defenestrated.

That was fun.

"The greatest thing I learned from Wales was swearing and how to insult people in Welsh." America argued.

"It was fun teaching you curses and insults that Bhreatain and Sasana would never understand. I mean if they were going to make me practically raise their kids I was going to teach them something useful." I said. America snorted.

"Ah yes. Swears. The most useful thing a man can know." He said with a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I knew you would understand." I said, returning the smile.

"You're a dork Uncail Éire." America said.

"Says you. In all seriousness though, I'll make sure Sasana is quiet, yes that includes sign, and I'll help you with anything involving keeping An Astráil and Florida apart." I said. America looked caught off guard by the last sentence, and gave me a puzzled look.

"You would willingly do that?" He asked, suspicion in his voice. I shrugged.

"No one else will, I know them both, as far as Aussie is concerned I don't know about your states, and I really don't want those two to meet without heavy supervision from responsible people. I will do that willingly." I said.

"Uncail Éire you're the best." America said, "But don't let that get to your head."

"Too late."

"Oh no."

"It's gone to my head."

"Really? Do you have to do this now?"

"I have to let the world know immediately."

"You don't know the meaning of embarrassing do you?"

"I learned that word in 1800 and it hasn't deterred me one bit." I announced. America groaned.

"This is why my kids like you so much. You all gang up on me." He complained.

"That's what kids are for." I said.

"You're not my kid. And neither is Hawaii. But that doesn't stop either of you from participating anyways." America complained. I smiled, thinking about the times I had joined America's kids in making fun of him. He just got embarrassed so easily, it was fun.

"Haváí deserves to gang up on you." I pointed out. America nodded.

"You're right about that. But that doesn't mean you should join it. I thought I was your favorite nephew, and that's how I get repaid for being the best? Absolute betrayal Uncail Éire, absolute betrayal." America said, putting his hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be so melodramatic Stars." I said before hearing doors open. I turned to see that the other countries were exiting the room. Well actually, the group mainly consisted of America's kids, who were arguing with each other, with Canada watching, his face showing both amusement and confusion.

"You wanna talk to your brother?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm going to go lay down some rules and stuff with my kids and leave before anyone spots me. Bye Uncail Éire!" America said before running off.

Things were going to be quite a bit different now. I hope America could handle everyone prying into his personal life more than they already did.

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