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France POV

As Ireland rushed out of the room, following America, Britain immediately turned to Liberia and began bombarding him with questions.

"Who was that man? Will you tell us now that America is gone? Why didn't the states want anyone to know? Why didn't America tell me once we made up? How are the Indians alive? What is going on with Delaware and New York? Do the original thirteen states hate me?"

"Alright slow down, I can only answer one question at a time." Liberia said.

"Sorry, sorry. But now that America has left, will you say who that man was?" Britain asked. Liberia sighed, and I leaned forward, eager for an answer to that question. Something about that man scared America. And anything that scared America was a cause for concern. If Liberia didn't give us an answer, then I would investigate him myself, which I'm sure Britain would be happy to join me with.

"The man is-" Liberia began before being cut off by Japan.

"Are you seriously going to tell them?" She asked.

"Yeah, because then Dee would actually murder you." Palau added.

"No, I'm not going to tell them! Just because I'm bad at keeping secrets doesn't mean I'm an idiot!" Liberia said, looking offended.

"Well then don't word it like you're going to say it." Germany said. Liberia flipped him off, and Germany rolled his eyes.

"Yeah that was the worst possible way to word it if you weren't going to say anything." South Korea pointed out.

"Shut up South!" Liberia told him.

"No." South Korea responded. Micronesia groaned.

"This family is a mess, can I get a better one?" He said.

"Micro what are you talking about? We are a perfectly normal and functioning family." Marshall Islands said.

"We're related to Florida and Australia." Micronesia deadpanned in response.

"He makes a good point." Japan said.

"How many of you knew about the states?" UN asked, cutting off the building argument. Japan, Germany, Marshall Islands, Palau, Micronesia, Liberia, Morocco, South Korea, Cuba, Afghanistan, NATO, and Philippines all raised their hands. That...was more than I expected, although America was related or close to most of that list, so I guess it made sense.

"Ireland knew too." Philippines added. Ireland knew? I shot a look at Britain, who looked betrayed, probably not expecting that, although then again, who expected today's events?

"Why did he know?" Britain asked.

"Dad told him during the Irish Potato Famine." Palau answered.

"America and Massachusetts told him during the Irish Potato Famine." Cuba corrected.

"And the reason he knew is because Dad actually likes him. Not to say he doesn't like you, but you don't have a great history together. Plus, no one wanted Massachusetts to go on his vengeance spree he's planned since Dad became independent." Japan added.

"Oh shit, I forgot Mass wanted to do that." Micronesia said.

"How did you forget, that's literally his favorite thing to talk about?" Liberia questioned.

"Aside from insulting Apple." Afghanistan pointed out.

"Who's Apple?" I asked.

"New York." The countries aware of the American states chorused.

"Why does he insult New York?" United Arab Emirates asked.

"Don't ask. Please. I don't feel like trying to explain or understand state rivalries." Micronesia said.

"Why do the states have rivalries?" Portugal asked.

"They don't like to get along. And border disputes. There is a lot of screaming about borders." Liberia said.

"There really ain't a lot of screaming about borders and more so the people who scream about borders are really fucking loud." Germany said.

"Literally whenever they start fighting it's really loud. I walk into Chedam's house and I instantly hear at least three fights and no one does anything aside from Dee and sometimes Conf-" Palau started, before she was cut off.

"PALAU!" Marshall Islands yelled, standing up abruptly. Palau paled and clasped her hand over her mouth. Philippines groaned, Cuba looked amused and everyone else had various expressions of anger and frustration on their faces.

"None of you can keep your mouths shut. You are going to end up spilling who he is and I will gladly rat out who did to America." Cuba said. Morocco gave him a confused look.

"Why?" He asked. Cuba shrugged.

"I feel like making things difficult for you."

"Thanks Cuba we really appreciate that." Germany said with a roll of his eyes.

"He is right that none of us can keep our mouths shut." Liberia said.

"No, Liberia, you can't keep your mouth shut. We can. For the most part." Japan argued.

"Like you're one to talk. Remember Penny's last birthday?" South Korea cut in.

"We don't talk about that!"

"We will absolutely talk about that." NATO said with a smile.

"We will not!"

"We will!" Palau called, having removed her hand from her mouth.

"I'll tell them who he is if you insist on bringing this up!"

"No you won't." Micronesia said.

"Yeah you won't." Philippines said in agreement.

"Fine I won't say who he is. But I still don't want to talk about that." Japan said.

"Well...I think it's time for me to go. Since I'm so bad at keeping secrets I really shouldn't be answering these questions. Maybe ask one of my siblings." Liberia said, "Bye!"

Liberia then proceeded to bolt for the door, which caused his siblings to protest it.

"If Liberia is leaving then I am too. I'm not dealing with this." Germany said, standing up.

"Yeah I agree with Germany. I am not staying to deal with this bullshit. It's Dad's problem and he can fix it." South Korea said, walking out.

"It would be best to get answers from United States of America, and not from the rest of you. I will...I'll try and get America to answer a list of questions about this. Email me a list of your questions and I'll make a bigger list to send to United States of America." UN said before he vanished, having gone back to the human world.

After UN left, everyone else began to leave. I remained in my set as Britain walked up to me, before sitting down in the chair next to me. Britain sighed.

"Why didn't he tell us?" He eventually asked.

"His history with you. And that fact that he doesn't seem to like telling people outside of family that he is close to. While we did get married, that was to spite America and his stupid joke. But if you really want to know, ask him." I said.

"I...I don't know if I should. I don't want to make things worse between us." Britain said. I rolled my eyes.

"So you are just going to ignore him? You can't ignore all your problems. Not for a lack of trying on your part." I said. Britain shot me an annoyed look.

"I...I'll work out whether or not I want to confront him later. But right now I have to go tell my territories and brothers about this." Britain said before standing up.

"I also want to figure out who that man was. When we are finished telling our territories about this, let's meet up and try to figure 5that out. I don't like how scared America seemed of him. If Ame is scared of him, I want to know exactly who he is and what he wants." I said. Britain nodded.

"I'm with you there. I'll see if I can get any of my brothers on board too. Wales probably knows something. He always does."

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