Oceania's Questions

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Palau's POV

"Palau, what happened to Oceania solidarity? How could you not tell us about this?" Tuvalu asked me. I sighed again.

"I've already told you Tuvalu, I made a promise to keep the states secret. Dad was already paranoid enough, with the territories being 'revealed' to you during the Cold War. He didn't need anything else on his head." I explained.

"But apparently the USSR and Cuba knew about the states already. Why couldn't he have just revealed them to everyone else then?" Fiji questioned.

"Because Dad had more enemies during the Cold War outside of Cuba and Soviet. Just because they knew didn't mean he wanted others to find out." Marshall Islands said, cutting into the conversation.

"But you could have trusted us!" Nauru said, throwing his into the air.

"Nauru, it's not about whether or not we trusted you. It was about if Dad trusted you. And during the Cold War, he didn't trust very many people. Still doesn't. He's overprotective, and he just wants to make sure no one is hurt. He's seen a lot of bad things, and wants to protect his kids from that. He's been hurt badly by other countries before. No father wants his kids to go through what he did. Trust me, I know." Micronesia said, reminding everyone of the fact that he had kids.

"America has grandkids." Tonga said, disbelief in her voice. The rest of Oceania began to reflect her shock.

"AMERICA HAS GRANDKIDS?" New Zealand yelled. Australia matched the look of shock.

"Our uncle is a grandfather? We have cousins and our cousins have kids?" He said, sounding like he was going to pass out. Marshall Islands walked over to Australia and made eye contact with his cousin, our cousin.

"Yep! You should have known this though. You knew Micro was Dad's son, and you knew he had kids. This isn't exactly a surprise." He said.

"HE'S RIGHT!" Christmas Island yelled as xe walked over, excitement on xer face. Xey smiled, "You idiots finally found your brain cells and worked it out."

"Chris, they didn't figure it out. They had to be told by my dear old brother Texas." I said. Christmas Island started laughing.

"It was common sense and none of you put two and two together? I'm ashamed in the collective intelligence of Oceania." Xey said before Vanuatu threw a folder at xem, which xey caught easily.

"So all the territories knew?" Aotearoa asked, sounding slightly betrayed. Christmas Islands nodded.

"Siki and the other Polynesian outliers know. They, Rapa Nui, and Hawaii hand out a lot."

"Siki knew and she didn't tell me?" Solomon Islands asked, also sounding betrayed. Christmas Island just shrugged.

"Hawaii's her mom Soly." Christmas Island said in a soft voice, "And Siki thought she was dead. Besides, you know what Britain did to her. She needed her Mom back. Why do you think she mentally recovered quicker? It wasn't just your independence that did it."

Solomon Islands, as well as the rest of the former British colonies were silent.

"I'm sorry." Aotearoa eventually said, with Australia repeating the apology. Solomon Islands quickly pulled them into a hug.

"Just because he never beat you doesn't mean it's your fault." Tonga said. Even though both of them had been told that many times before, neither of them looked like they believed it. I sighed. The favorites of Britain's colonies always seemed to be the worst off in the end.

They always denied their abuse, though they weren't hurt. But just because they weren't physically abused didn't mean they weren't hurt emotionally. And they were hurt emotionally. And badly. I saw it in Dad, and I see it in them. They tell stories of abuse like it's normal. Hell, Britain didn't even tell any of them they had mothers until 2016, and by that time most of their Mom's were dead. He destroyed any hopes of them having a mother in their life.

Seems like we were going to have an Oceania therapy session for those two again. And we should probably invite all the states and territories of Oceania too.

Britain's emotional abuse. What a mess that caused for everyone. And still causes for everyone.

"America is better to his kids than Britain was to us, right?" Solomon Islands asked. I nodded.

"He would do anything for them. Do anything to keep them safe. That's what the secrecy was for. Not so he could hurt them without others knowing." Micronesia said. Solomon Islands nodded.

"Good. More good parents are needed in this world." He said.

"Trust me, Dad is a good parent. He always wants to help and it hurts him when his kids are hurt or in trouble and he can't help them. Even if what he doesn't isn't the best for them, that's always his intention, and he tries to make sure he listens to them. He's not like Britain. He's different from his father." Micronesia explained.

"He must get it from his mom." Kiribati remarked, causing slight laughter around the group.

"Perhaps he did." Aotearoa said, "But he is still like Grandfather in many ways."

"Don't tell Uncle America that Zee." Australia said.

"Oh I will. You can watch me do it Aussie."

"I would also like to see Roa do that!" Papua New Guinea said.

"So all of you are teaming up against me?" Australia asked.

"For the greater good my dear nephew." Fiji said, wrapping an arm around his waist, as she was too short to reach his shoulders.

"Says the shorty." Australia responded.

"We're all short! You're just obnoxiously tall!" Nauru exclaimed, causing Australia to laugh.

"Oceania, let's unite against our tall brethren! Short people will rule the world!" Samoa exclaimed.

"And the waves!" Tonga added.

"Yes! Land, sea, and sky! All will fall under the rule of the Shorties!" Samoa continued.

"And once again we are incredibly sidetracked." Christmas Island stated, a smile on xer face as xey watched Oceania rally around Samoa and start chanting "Down will Tall people" as Australia tried to leave.

"Well we wouldn't be us if we weren't. Besides now we don't have to answer awkward questions and we get to see Australia being thrown into the sea. It's a win-win situation." I remarked. Christmas Island laughed.

"You aren't wrong about that."

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