Chapter 16

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*Zara's POV*

I haven't come out of my room or made any contact with the outside world since Savannah had come to talk to me. That was a week ago. I did read all the texts I got, but never responded. That was until one caught my eye. It was from the dating website. I hadn't used that in a while. Without looking at the name I opened it. I felt my whole frame tense up as I read over the message:

-Hi Zara, just messaging you to say that I'm sorry for whatever I did. And I just wanted to check if you were single. Because I am now. Oh who am I kidding, you have boys fighting for you I bet! If you do then just delete this message...If not (which I doubt) give me a message back:) ZJM .xx-

I kept typing responses but deleting them all before I sent one.

-I can see you typing stuff there...xx-

Crap. Of course he can see, it shows you when that person is typing a message.

-I'm close by actually, do you mind if I pop round. I really need to get something off my chest!?-

Before I can even think of an answer the doorbell goes. If that was him, I will cry. I need time to calm and make myself look good. I hear my mum's voice float up from the door as I sit myself at the top of the stairs.

“Hello Zayn, I'm sorry Zara's not come out her room for weeks. I don't think she'd be prepared to anyone, especially you.”

“Why not me?!” He asks sternly.

“Because you hurt me Zayn.” I say in a fake confidence but my voice letting me down by cracking as I said his name. I had said that phrase too many times but with a different name on the end each time. Emotion flickered across his face as he pushed past my mum and sprinted up the stairs two at a time.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so-”

“Shut up!” I laugh. Shuffling closer to him. “I forgive you.”

His face lit up in delight. “Thank you Zara!” His face started to move in.

“Woah! Yeah no I'm sorry, not this soon!” It killed me to say that, I spent this whole two years trying to remember every tiny detail of his lips. The feel of them against me. His hot breath sweeping over my face...

“Well since Zara's out of her room, Zayn would you like to stay for dinner?”

After we had finished dinner, small talk and piling the dishes onto the counter Zayn hopped up and headed towards the door.

“It's getting late I'll go..”

“But look at the storm Zayn! We can't let you drive in that!” My mother gasped, looking out at the heavy rain, black sky and thick grey storm clouds. Lightening cracked occasionally, lighting up the world like a firework.

“No, I can't just intrude your home like this!”

“No stay.” I say bluntly before turning round and walking slowly up to my room.

I couldn't sleep. It was 1:13am. Zayn was sleeping soundly in the room next to me. We were so close for the second time in 2 years. I needed to take my mind off him. Pulling my laptop from underneath my bed, I dusted it off and opened it up.

I don't know what it was, but instinct told me to check up on my dating profile. So I did. And by the looks of things, so was Zayn.

-Can I talk to you?xx-

He asks, we never actually fully talked over the dinner table.

-Okay then! What do you want to know?xx-

-I want to know what I did that made you hate me so much...I never understood what I did...xx-

-It's what you didn't do Zayn! You didn't try to stop me, you didn't come after me, you didn't come down for me, you didn't call/text/message me. It was like I didn't exist. No girl wants that Zayn! Girls want to be wanted! And then to top it off 2 weeks later apparently you got another girlfriend..Was I seriously nothing to you??xx-

I hear a faint slam of a laptop lid and the footsteps stomping towards my room. The door flung open. He kicked it shut with his foot, but it didn't slam. Then he started whisper yelling.

“You think this was easy for me? I had to act like everything was okay! In front of the whole world!! I'd lost the love of my life and I felt crap, Savannah was forced on me by management, we became good friends and over the years become my lover but I've never felt half the stuff for her that I've ever felt for you! I didn't have time to contact you and anyway if I did management would have killed me, they thought you were a mistake and wanted to flatten it out. Look I'm sorry, if I could take it back I would, I would have stood up to management, but I didn't. You can't change the past Zara but you can learn from it. And what I've learnt through this is that you're the one! My soul mate! I never believed it before but I love you so much, I wanted to be able to call you mine and hold you, say you're beautiful and I love you every day but I couldn't because we gave up. But I'm here now and ready to continue what we started. I'm sorry for everything Zara. I know it took me 2 years to say this but you. Please be mine again and forever?”

Tears were falling freely from my face. That was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. And he had said he loved me!

“Zayn I-I love you too...I've been trying to deny it for years but I can't anymore, you're the one and yes I will be yours again and forever! Zayn I love you so much!”

I hadn't realised how we had subconsciously moved together, like there was some sort of gravity between us. His head leaned down and his face held his famous smirk of his. As our lips met, the fireworks and explosions started again. The real thing was definitely better than my memory and imagination combined! Our hands snaked up each others bodies making up for lost time. I missed the feeling of heat and cold as his skin touches mine. After 2 years it still felt like I was touching him for the first time.

Forever and Always - Zayn Malikحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن