Chapter 11

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A/N: WARNING! There is some smut in this chapter! If you don't like it you can skip over it (I've shown very clearly where it starts and finishes!!)

I woke up feeling a heavy hand round my waist and a hot breath on my neck. I flipped over and faced Zayn. He was sound asleep, his breathing was light and even. I studied his face, I couldn't believe he was mine. He should be the dictionary definition of perfect.

“Stop staring at me, I'm trying to sleep.” His morning voice rang out, scaring and making my heart flutter ten times faster than usual.

“I wasn't staring...” I mumbled.

“You were and we both know it.” His smirk filled his face, his eyes still closed. “Now gimme a kiss.”

He comically puckered his lips, waiting for me to place mine against them. After about 10 seconds of him waiting he opened one eye and frowning like a little boy.

“Where's my morning kiss?” He moaned.

“Morning breath!” I laugh.

“Whoops...are you saying I smell?” One of his eyebrows raised, making me laugh more at the look of him. “Take that as a yes then...” he untangled our legs and hopped out the bed running into the bathroom. I just lay there laughing, I was smart enough to have shoved some gum in about 20 minutes ago.

He ran back in and hovered over me. His jaw muscles flexed as he leaned in and kissed me passionately. They were like all the other kisses we have had, but it still made my stomach explode with butterflies.

“Morning” He breathed heavily once he had pulled out. I couldn't even reply, I couldn't breathe.

“Family's gone to the barbecue, what do you want to do?”

“I don't” I say, I felt extremely lazy today and hadn't packed any fancy stuff. He nodded and kissed my forehead before pushing up on the bed and walking over to his DVD collection.

When the movie was over we sat in his bed and went on twitter. He scrolled through his mentions, I was blown away by the amount of tweets he got every second.

“Woah your fans are like obsessed!” I laugh.

“Dedicated...they prefer dedicated not obsessed” he chuckles back.

“Would they kill me if they found out about us...” I ask worried, gesturing with my finger between us.

“We can find out if you want...?” He sort of asks and sort of says like a fact. Was he saying he wanted to go public? Was he sure he was doing the right thing?

“I want to go public if you want too” he said confirming my thoughts. “I've talked about it to management and they gave up and said I could go public whenever we were ready.”

I thought it through, if we were public would I be allowed to have more time with Zayn?

“Ok, how are we going to do this?” I ask, kinda nervous... I had no idea how people would take this...

We sat on his laptop for a while just taking stupid pictures together on his webcam. We were both still in our pyjamas, but he looked flawless and he said I did too. Couldn't exactly agree but if he said so...

“I love this one!” I muse over one of the pictures of us. We were sat there with our heads close together, looking lovingly into each others eyes. That picture flicked to the next, our heads had been pulled together by an invisible rope and we were kissing each others lips lightly. I had to admit we did look cute together.

“I love this one more” Zayn adds pointing at the kissing picture. “Hang on I have an idea!”

He pulled up twitter and clicked to make a new tweet. He attached the picture I liked and put the caption: me and my beautiful girlfriend @ZaraJMatthews  :) x x x

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