Chapter 14

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I was sitting in my back garden thinking about life and soaking up some rays when I heard the doorbell ring. Thinking it was the postman I hurriedly ran to the door and yanked it open. The familiar long strawberry blonde locks and piercing hazel eyes hit me first. Why was she here?

“We need to talk.” She says firmly yet still kindly.

“We can sit out the back, soak up some rays if you want?” I suggest, she nods politely.

Once we were both comfortable she started off the conversation.

“I didn't realise Zayn was still in touch with his exes.” she said bluntly.

“Oh, he didn't know I was going yesterday...I had to take my cousin...”

“Oh...” she wasn't expecting that.

“I know you overheard me say to Niall and him that I still love him, but I swear I'm not trying to steal him back, that's not like me...I want to get over him”

“I know how that feels....” she mumbles. We look sympathetically at each other before I take another deep sigh and start talking.

“You know, I've been so unlucky in love my whole all of my relationships, but Zayn's, I've been cheated on. You're a very lucky girl to have Zayn and I wouldn't do anything to get in your way!” She nodded thankfully.

“You know Zara we're not so different, I've been cheated on way too many times...guys are just a disgrace...”

I sigh, “Amen to that!” I shout loudly before bursting into fits of giggles. After we stopped I needed to ask her something important.

“How bad is the hate against you?” Her eyes well into tears.

“So bad...” she sniffs, “I don't know if I can take it for much longer!”

“That's what broke me and Zayn up...”

“Yeah” she squeaks, her voice drowned out because of the tears.

“That wasn't the worst thing, it was the fact he just let me go. He didn't even come after me, I gave him two years...” I was now crying. We must have looked like idiots. We shifted closer together on the bench and cuddled up.

“Sorry for making you cry” I say.

“Sorry for making you cry!” She laughs back.


A/N: Short little filler here, sorry! 

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