Chapter 3

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A/N: Ok so Wattpad messed up BIG TIME when I was trying to upload this! This is literally my 4th time of uploading so here we go again... sorry if it's awful/messed up...

I woke up with the worlds worst headache. The room was spinning and bouncing around. I hadn't actually drunk much, I wonder how the girls felt! I staggered into the bathroom rummaging around for some paracetamol and a glass for some water. I split the packet, swallowing the two tablets quickly. Almost instantly my brain started to clear. I decided to go downstairs and make everyone breakfast in bed, with everything they need to help a hangover. From what I could hear no one was up. For Gracie and Connie I made French toast and 2 cups of tea, their favourite breakfast of all time. Then for Livvy pancakes and maple syrup with orange juice, as that was her favourite. And for Carmen some coco pops with a glass of chocolate milk, you guessed it, that was her favourite. I put them all on trays with a glass of water and two paracetamol and took them upstairs. First was Livvy, she was the lightest sleeper. I woke her up, made sure she took the tablet then left her to tend to Carmen, giving her a big push she finally woke, mumbling a trail of Spanish that I didn't understand. I did the same with her, left and went to the twins bedroom. The girls still sleep in the same bedroom, which is adorable. They are such close sisters. Well I suppose you'd want to be close to someone if you lived on your own in the middle of no where. But if either needed peace, they had 4 other rooms! Since Gracie was the deepest sleeper out of all of us, I woke Connie first, then got her to help me with Gracie.

I went downstairs again giving all the girls time to wake up by themselves. Seeing Gracie's laptop on the table in the lounge I plugged the charger in, switched it on and logged into the website. Two bubbles popped onto my screen, one from a guy called Mark and the other from a guy named Bradley. I closed both, a bit disappointed that neither were from Zi. Bored I switched on the TV, flicking through the channels, stopping on a breakfast show that I didn't know the name of.

“Right guys it's now the moment millions of screaming teenage girls have been waiting for, its ONE DIRECTION!” The five boys skipped in. “Oh please...” I sighed at the slutty blonde interviewer literally throwing herself and her fake boobs at the boys. I grabbed a packet of crisps laying next to me and started shoving them into my mouth.

“So who's single, who's taken?” She said batting her heavily makeuped eyelashes at Harry, “Liam we'll start with you.”

“I'm taken to the beautiful Charlotte”, a picture popped up on the screen. Oh my god, she was stunning! Her natural blonde hair complimented her ivory skin and bright blue eyes perfectly.


“Yeah buddie I'm taken too, sorry girls, I love Lucy!” another picture popped up, yet another beautiful girl, is there a factory somewhere or something? She had pale skin spotted in freckles, her wavy brown hair had a slight auburn highlight to it and her brown eyes sparkled.

“What about the rest of you?”

“We're all single!” Harry cheered, causing the lady to inch closer to him. He grabbed the two boys around their necks and pulled them into a hug. Their faces lit up with laughter.

“Seen anyone you like?” she purred at Harry, stroking his leg and trying to get his attention.

“Not yet...”

“Harry, I don't know you, but you LEGEND!” I screamed at the TV.

“I talk to this girl, I think I'm having feelings but its early days yet” Zayn said.

“AAAAWWW ZI ZI!” the boys chorused. Wait. What?! Zi.... No, it can't be, must be a coincidence, I brushed it off just as Gracie walked in the room.

“AAAAHHH ONE DIRECTION!! WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME?!” she yelled in my ear making us both wince because of the headache. “Well my dear Gracie it was because you were sleeping heavily with a hangover I didn't want to disturb you.” I told her sarcastically. She just aww'ed and kissed my cheek giving me a massive hug. I felt the sofa dip, I looked up to find the rest of the girls had joined us, Connie and Gracie staring intently at the TV. Livvy half asleep and Carmen examining her nails. I pushed myself off the sofa and felt all eyes hit me. “I'm going to head home, see you sometime soon girlies.” An echo of “bye's” sounded as I grabbed my bag, slipped on my converse and began the walk back to mine. The walk should only be about 30 minutes and the fresh air will help my headache loads. My phone buzzed in my pockets and my heart raced a little in anticipation. Unlocking it, I let out a joyful sigh, it was from Zi.

-Hey:) sorry I would have messaged earlier, I had a job interview. :) xx-

-Ooo how did it go?xx-

-Pretty well thanks ;) xx-

-Good :D it was really freaky this morning! Zayn what's-his-face from One Direction got called 'Zi' in their interview! Coincidence much :o hahahaa :D xx-

-Didn't know you were a directioner? xx-

-Naa I'm not a die hard fan yano, their music is catchy! It's my friends Connie and Gracie (who are twins) that love them! Like properly know everything, it's pretty freaky! xx-

-Twins! How fun!! :D xx- -Yeah they're a bundle of fun, craziness, madness, everything!xx- -I bet! :P xx-

-Ok, I'm home now, was just walking home, I'll talk to you later :D xxx-

-Okey dokeyy xxx-

The door swung open and I was greeted by my mum. Crap, I'd forgotten to text her in the end, mentally face palming, I sucked some oxygen in preparing for the worst. She just stood there silent.

Bollocks, shit, fuck, crap, why did I not send her the fucking text. Oh god, here it comes...

“Zara, I trust you okay, you just need to remember I get worried... A LOT... so you have to text me okay?” I nodded. Maybe I'd get away with it this time, she seemed pretty calm, “even though I trust you, you're grounded for 2 weeks, no parties, the girls can only come round here and no computer.”

Fucks sake.

-I mean the list isn't very long but like it's just annoying she grounded me! :@ xx-

I had been talking to Zi for the past hour. I was so glad she hadn't taken my phone!

-Yeah I understand, but you should've texted her ;) xx-

-Oh shuttup Mr Goody Goody ;P xx-

-ZARAAAAAAAAA, let's get to know each other better! How about 20 questions??xxx-

-Aaah sounds like fun!! You first :D xx-


I spent ages editing that so y'all better appreciate it. Omg why did I say y'all?! *facepalm* oh well... it seemed to fit my mood!



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