Chapter 8

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A/N: So this chapter changes place a lot, sorry about that but I really don't think you'd want me to ramble about car journey's and stuff! Enjoyy!

“So its either the red or blue dress” Char says holding two dresses at arms length inspecting the two. I thought for a long time, I really wanted to blow Zayn away. “Don't worry, he already thinks the world of you” Char said, “I can see it in his eyes.”

“That's why I need to blow him away!” I exclaim, throwing my hands up in desperation. I need the perfect dress.

“Then why didn't you say?!” Char walked past me, hitting me on the head. “I have the peeeerfect dress for you!” She reached into her and Liam's expansive wardrobe and pulled out a black high-low dress. It had a black diamond band at the top. It looked perfect.

…. (date timeee)

Zayn's hand stayed attached to mine as he gently dragged me out the cab and towards the extremely posh looking restaurant. Some paps were scattered around. Seeing Zayn made them multiply, I'd never seen anything like it. After 30 seconds there seemed to be 10 times more and all screaming questions to Zayn about who I was. He stayed silent and quickly tugged me into the restaurant.

We were taken to a small private room at the back. “Zayn this is beautiful...” I said breathless and lost for words. Zayn looked at the floor and blushed. He whispered something like “not as much as you” when I questioned him he coughed awkwardly and said something like he'd booked it after I'd said I was coming to London. My mind was still clouded with his whisper.

Candles were scattered around the room, that was the only lighting. His face looked like a sculpture with the candle light flickering off it. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

….(when they get back to Zayn's house)

“I'll drive you home babe” Zayn said to me as I stumbled down the stairs, having changed from Char's dress to what I came in. “Yeah that would be great thanks” I mumble, looking up through my eyelashes and a piece of hair falling in front of my face. Zayn moves closer to me and slowly tucks the strand of hair behind my ear, leaving his palm on my cheek.

Our heads move closer, everything in slow motion. Because I was a few steps up I was the same height as Zayn and didn't have to go on my tip-toes. Our lips met in the middle. His lips were smooth but rough in places, he tasted of mint and caramel. It was the best third kiss I'd ever had.

….(after the drive home)

His fingers locked round mine as we walked up the drive to my house. “Thank you for today Zayn, I had so much fun!”

“Me too, we should get together again” I nod my head in anticipation for what could happen in the future. Zayn lets out the breath he was holding in, “awesome.”

We stand awkwardly on the doorstep, listening to each others breaths. “Umm so we have an interview tomorrow, but I'm free for the rest of the day?”

“Yeah cool I'm free” Carmen can wait, she doesn't need to do her coursework just yet...

“I'll pick you up at 11? You can come and watch the interview” he suggests, his hand still warm in mine lets go and runs up my arm. Speechless again I just nod calmly. A smile cracks over his face. It was so beautiful.

Our faces came together like habit. Ever since the kiss this afternoon I was left craving more. I could feel his hot breath round my nose and mouth, driving me crazy. He made the first move, attaching our lips and slowly starting to create some rhythm. I copied and soon we were in sync. I felt Zayn's tongue stroke my bottom lip. I decided to tease him and keep my mouth clamped shut. He tried again, this time nibbling on my bottom lip. I hear a clang of pots from inside and pull away, putting my hands on his chest.

“I have to go now...” I was unable to catch my breath. This time it was him that didn't respond, but only responded with a nod. With a light peck on my check he hurried off down the path to his car. I swiftly unlocked the door and ran upstairs to get changed.

I was helping mum with the dinner when the door bell went. Mum swept of gracefully to get the door while I was mashing the potato messily and like an idiot. Mash was all down my slouchy t-shirt and joggers.

“Hi my name's Zayn” I catch the conversation floating from the hall way. Zayn was here? He couldn't be here! I keep my back to the door and focus on the mash and not the fact that he's about to see the worst side of me.

An arm wraps around my waist and I feel warm breath on my neck. “You left your phone in my car babe.” Of course I did! Not on purpose, it was just my forgetfulness. “Where is it then?” I question. “Your mums got it, I just wanted to say...hey.” He said the end in a low seductive whisper.

I turn around and he pushes me against the counter. “Hey” I whisper back. He pecks a small kiss on my nose and I feel the smirk on his face. A subtle cough sounds from the doorway, we turn and reveal my mum stood there with the biggest smile on her face.

“I'm so glad you to are dating! Zayn you must stay for tea!” I blush, why was my mum this embarrassing?!

“Only if you're sure Mrs Matthews.”

“No I insist! And call me Jane!”

….(around the table)

“So Zayn I heard you are a singer?” my dad questions Zayn. “Err yes sir, I'm in the band, One Direction.”

“Are you doing well in this band then?” I could see something come alive in Zayn's eyes. It was passion. Passion for what he did for a living. I've always wanted a man like that.

“In my opinion I think we're doing alright” he says politely. I laugh. “Alright?! Zayn you have taken over the whole freaking world!” Zayn just gives a little chuckle. He's down to Earth as well! All the little things about Zayn just make him absolute perfection and I hope to keep finding them out.

We sat around the table laughing. It wasn't awkward, I found it strangely comforting that my parents liked Zayn and they approved of us dating.

Forever and Always - Zayn MalikWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu