Pizza Time!

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I think of him every single day. Peter Parker. Oh boy. These past 2 years have been a huge thrill for me. Without exaggerating, he has changed my life ever since we got together. I've experienced what true love is after all the years I have lived, and I couldn't have asked for anyone other than the boy I was in love with ever since we were kids. Who am I? I'm Y/N Osborn, still trying to find my way in the world. I've also been training with the one and only Spider-Man as I try to hone my newfound abilities that was given to me to ensure I won't die. Needless to say, I've done pretty well. We stopped a few petty crimes, but nothing too serious like my dad. Dad... I may have gotten over it but it still hurts whenever I think of him. Ever since it happened, Harry seemed quite distant to me, and I understand. Doesn't make it hurt less. He still doesn't know the full truth, and I plan to keep it that way.

"STOP! STOPPP!" Mr. Aziz exclaimed as I wasn't looking where I was going while driving Peter's motorbike. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I got a job as a pizza delivery girl to help Peter pay the bills in our new apartment since the old one brings bad memories. I also should probably mention that I still take pics for Jameson, and am pretty much the girl to go to now for pics of Spidey and Spider-Woman (me!) seeing how Peter got a promotion as some editor for the paper which is great for us. But enough of that, it seems like my current job is in peril right now. "Osborn, you're late! Always late huh?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Aziz there was a disturbance," I apologized as I took off my helmet and tucked in my mask even further to my pocket.

"Another disturbance, always a disturbance with you! Come on, 21 minutes ago in comes order: Harmattan, Burton and Smith. Eight large deep dish pizzas!" he then pointed to the clock, "In eight minutes, I am defaulting on Joe's 29 minute guarantee. Then not only will I not receive money for these pizzas, but I will also lose the customer to Pizza Yurt!" he set down the pizza boxes on the counter, "Look, you're my only hope. You have to make it in time. Y/N, you're a nice girl, but you're just not dependable. This is your last chance. You have to go 42 blocks in 7 and a half minutes, or your ass is fired!" he scolded. Well how fun! I was just talking about how great it is about having a full time job, but now I'm under fire! I raced across the busy streets of New York, cutting in through cars with them yelling horrible things at me. Welcome to New York everyone. I was then cut off by a red light and had to make a right turn quickly, and I saw a nearby clock. My time was almost up, there was no way Y/N Osborn could do it, but I know someone else who can! I took the boxes from the bike and ran into a nearby alley, and quickly changed into my alter-ego: The Stunning Spider-Woman! I took off all my clothes to reveal the costume that Peter made for me and put my clothes in my backpack. It was just like his costume, though the logo stretched all across my chest. Pretty neat, and I'm glad that he would go so far to make this for me. I put on my mask and then shot a web out of my wrist to begin swinging over to my destination, letting out a loud WOOHOO in the process. Gotta say, this never gets old! At first I was scared, but Peter's training allowed me to get through my fear and swing through with grace just like him. As I swung throughout the city, I saw two kids running after a ball while a truck was approaching fast. Yeah this might make me late, but c'mon. I'm Spider-Woman, I have to help them! I threw the boxes away and quickly dived towards the kids and took them away from the street before the truck hit them and landed just by the path to the park.

 I'm Spider-Woman, I have to help them! I threw the boxes away and quickly dived towards the kids and took them away from the street before the truck hit them and landed just by the path to the park

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(credit to _artkin_)

"Hey you guys, no playing in the streets." I told the kids.

"Yes, Mrs. Spider-Woman." the two kids said in unison.

I saluted the kids before swinging back and picking up the pizza boxes I left behind. I managed to make it to the building and snuck into the window for the janitor's closet. Surely it won't be suspicious at all, right? I quickly changed into the clothes that I had put in my backpack, and got out of the closet with the pizza boxes, hopefully in time. I saw the receptionist and headed over to set the boxes on top of her counter and offered a friendly smile.

"Pizza Time!" I announced, but the receptionist didn't look amused at all. She looked at the clock then back to me.

"You're late," she said, prompting me to lose my smile, "I'm not paying for those."


"Joe's 29 minute guarantee is a promise, man," Mr. Aziz scolded me, "I know to you, Osborn, a promise means nothing, but to me it's serious."

"It's serious to me too, Mr. Aziz!" I pleaded, doing my best to not get fired. Deep down, I knew that this was it. At least I can still take photos, right?

"You're fired. Go." There it was. The sentence I wished to never hear.

"Please, I need this job!" I pleaded once more.

"You're fired!"

"Look, just give me another chance!" Mr. Aziz then ripped the Joe's Pizza sticker on my helmet and kicked me out of the shop, leaving me to my own thoughts. You know, it was fun while it lasted I guess. Maybe if I didn't save those kids... no! Don't think that, you did the right thing Y/N. There's always other places, right?

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