John: So what happened Y/N?

Y/N: I'll tell you all once Jack heads to bed I don't want to give him nightmares.

So twenty minutes later Jack was asleep and Abigail and rejoined everyone.

Dutch: so what happened.

You looked at him and started.

Y/N: well I had received word that O'Driscolls and Lemoyne Raiders were meeting in Texas, from what we figured it was because of all the heat they had on them up here, they were funneling funds into Texas and setting up Rat lines.

Tilly: Whats a rat line?

Y/N: basically it's a way to sneak in and out of somewhere without being seen.

Tilly just nodded. And you continued.

Y/N: so when we got to Texas we had noticed something out of place.

Sadie: a sign just outside of Blackthorn that said "El Dorado"

Y/N: problem is there's El dorado in Texas. So when we got to town we met up with the sheriff and a Texas Ranger and we began to plan. Fortunately for us a cavalry unit was passing through and had noticed another sign on the way in that read "Rio Bravo".

Sadie: that place does exist, just not in that part of Texas. So we figured since there were two gangs there maybe they were setting those signs to mark their camps.

Y/N: Exactly, so we talked with the Lieutenant leading the unit and we decided to split into troops. Sadie and J.D. the Ranger went with Troop B and I to the sheriff Pat and went with Troop A.

Sadie: When we got to the Rio Bravo sign there was nothing there so we went back to town.

At this point the tears started forming in her eyes because she knew what was coming next. You squeezed her hand in support.

Y/N: when my Troop got to the sign Sargent Hughes and myself scouted ahead, we saw a camp set up in the valley, there was 4 tents and a wagon so we figured we could take it. Boy were we wrong.

You sat just staring into the fire as you continued.

Y/N: we made the plan to conduct a typical Calvary charge, shock and awe, catch them off guard with out a shot fired. So that's what we did, we placed the O'Driscolls in cuffs and got ready to lead them back to town, when we looked up and saw 300 plus O'Driscolls surrounding us in the valley.

A tear started to slide down your cheek but you continued.

Y/N: that's when all hell broke loose, we had 75 men and we knew we didn't stand a chance that's when Hughes sounded the retreat, I was almost at the exit of the valley when Hughes horse was shot out from under him, I rode back down taking shots when I could. I had almost gotten to him when I got shot in the side. After that I feel off my horse.

Sadie could see you were struggling so she cut in.

Sadie: Back in town we could hear the gun fire but as no messenger came asking for help we assumed everything was under control. Until people started showing up. 19 Troopers plus Pat returned. We waited for Y/N and we heard an uneven clopping of horse hooves. I noticed it was Bo but Y/N wasn't with him. That's when I noticed the blood. I saw that Bo had been hit by a ricochet but than I noticed the large amount of blood in the saddle and my heart sank.

Y/N: When I come too Hughes and myself were in the back of a wagon being hauled off by the O'Driscolls. We were loaded on a train and sent up to big valley, place called haging dog ranch, we were to be held as bargaining chips incase colm had some sort of trouble.

a US Marshal and the Van Der Lind GangWhere stories live. Discover now