Giving Birth Chap.36

Start from the beginning

just as you were in the middle of pushing Candace and your mother came into the room, standing beside Cyno as your mother started praying to Lesser Lord Kusanali 

tears rolled down your cheeks as you threw your head back onto the pillow, resting for the moment as you felt weakened from what you'd just done, but it was far from over

you shook your head "I can't...I..."

"You must use all your strength your highness, please keep going"

you took a deep breath and started pushing again "Ahhhhhh!!!!"

the doctor checked underneath the blanket, "I can see a sigh It'll be out soon,"

Your mother noticed how on edge Cyno looked and so she took him out of the room to help calm him down, trying to talk to him as he paced around all the while 

"(Y/n) will be fine my boy, don't stress yourself too much"

Cyno let out a sigh and touched his forehead, "I know...look at me It's only just started and I'm like this already..."

Queen Devika patted his back, "all expectant father's worry...It's natural, but when I gave birth to Candace their father was the same as you were now"

Cyno went to sit down and try to keep a cool head, but then back In the bedroom....

you pushed once again, "AHHHHHH!!!!!"

you were sweating and your breathing was fast, Candace came over to wipe the sweat from your brows as you started feeling something happen inside of you, the doctor checked again 

"It's almost out! your highness you're nearly there"

Candace squeezed your hand, "come on, you can do this (Y/n) you're doing well"

you looked to your older sister and gave a weak smile, sitting up a little as you pushed once more using all of your strength as your whole body shook and you felt something come out, and then the cries of a baby resounded from underneath the blanket,

the doctor brought out your baby, you smiled weakly as more tears came, panting but then your eyes widened as you felt everything start blurring and your eyes rolled back as you collapsed onto the blanket

Candace's smile then faltered, "(Y/n)...(Y/n) what's wrong....(Y/n)!"

she started shaking you as she panicked, and Maharet rushed over as she tried waking you up but you wouldn't move, "My Lady! my Lady please wake up!"

"Nisha get the queen and Prince now!" commanded Maharet 

Nisha nodded hurriedly as she left the bedroom, the doctor cut the umbilical cord, taking the baby into his arms but then he noticed something else, and he wrapped up your son before handing him to Candace as he then listened to your stomach again,

"Grand Princess...this is..."

Candace furrowed her brows and she moved him aside as she looked underneath the blanket, but then she gasped in shock before she started trying to wake you up again 

"(Y/n)! you have to wake up please you have to keep pushing!"

you didn't rouse, but then Cyno burst into the room as tear's started forming in his eyes while he ran over to your side, he gripped your hand "(Y/n)! my love wake up please!"

Cyno tried waking you as they did but It didn't work and he feared the worst, his sunrise eyes filled with tears as they soon dripped onto the blankets "Please...don't leave"

your panicked and thrashed as she tried coming to your side, but then all of a sudden you started coming to as you breathed in and out feeling a wave of pain course over you just like before and upon seeing you awake, Cyno held onto you tightly as he thanked the gods

you weakly held onto him back as you cried, but then you felt the urge to push again even though you'd just delivered your son, you then started to realize

"Cyno...It's...there's another...."

his eyes widened, but he quickly moved to give you space, but he still held your hand as you squeezed his hard while you pushed, and you pushed with all the strength in you 


you panted before you collapsed back onto the bed, and you heard the cries of your second child before the doctor cut the cord and brought the baby out into the air, crying as Maharet went to quickly help the doctor clean up the babies who appeared the be twins

Cyno wiped the tears from his cheeks, and he brought his arms around you as you hugged him back while you cried into his shoulder once more, feeling many emotions all at once 

your mother praised Lesser Lord Kusanali as she cried tears of joy, just as Maharet and Nisha brought over your twins who were now cleaned and wrapped In silken bundles

the doctor started, "It is a boy and a girl."

you and Cyno parted from each other as he helped you to sit up, just as they handed your children over to you and you felt your heart melt, you pressed kisses to their foreheads.

Cyno smiled warmly as you looked to each other, and you shared a kiss before he looked back at your twins, they both seemed to have Cyno's white hair

you smoothed your daughter's hairs, "look at her...she looks like you"

she then started to whine and you soothed her, "shhh...It's alright darling."

Cyno looked at your little girl, just as he realized "Ahmanet..."

you looked at Cyno, "Hm"

Cyno smiled, "her name, Ahmanet"

Queen Devika put her hands together, "how lovely"


you smiled and kissed Ahmanet's cheek, "It's perfect...and how about our son"

Cyno started thinking again, "how about...Chakir"

smiled with a nod in agreement at the name, you gently kissed Chakir's brow just as they both started to slowly open their eyes, and you noticed Ahmanet had Cyno's eyes but they had a redder tinge while Chakir had your (e/c) eyes, the royal doctor then advised everyone to leave the room so you could have some time to rest a little bit now, but Cyno stayed

you started to breast feed Chakir first before you did the same for Ahmanet, and afterwards Cyno helped you to relieve them with a burp, afterwards Cyno came to your side as you held them.

you smiled warmly, "twins...I didn't expect this, but I love them so much"

"It was a shock" he said

Cyno then caressed your cheek, "do you want to rest love, this hour was hard on you...I'll look after them If you want to rest for a bit"

you nodded, you then gave them kisses on their foreheads before handing them to Cyno carefully and he sat further onto the bed, you lied down and closed your eyes as you were still very much feeling sore as you started falling asleep due to the fatigue you felt

Cyno held to Ahmanet and Chakir as they too started falling asleep, holding them close as he started thanking the gods again for saving you and your children, and he promised from that day going forward that he'd be the best father he could be.

(Music is composed by Adrian Von Ziegler, All credits go to him)

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