"Ask her out on a date." I replied, stating the obvious.

"Who told you I liked her?!" Alfie asked, shocked at what I had just asked him.

"No one told me, it's pretty obvious that you like her, even Jay spotted it." I replied.

"Oh." Alfie said.

Just as thing were going to get awkward, Megs came walking down the corridor with a letter in her hand. When she got to us she opened it and read it out loud.

"To Miss Megan McGuiness , we are glad to inform you that you have been accepted into the audition stage and will be auditioning for one of the main female parts in the show. We have seen some of your previous audition videos and are very keen to see you audition. Thank you, Sue Wills, casting director." Megs said.

"Wow, that's great! I'm auditioning for a main part too, we might get to work together!" Alfie replied excitedly.

"Yeah you'd love that wouldn't you Alfie." I added.

"Ruth!" Megs said, shocked that I had actually said that in front of Alfie, if only she'd heard our conversation earlier!

"Yeah, I would like that." Alfie said, a smiling forming on his face. I think Megs is now well and truly confused.

"Because she's my friend." Alfie added quickly, the confusion the disappeared from Megs' face.

"Yeah it would be so much fun!" Megs replied.

"Anyway I've got an essay to write so bye Alfie." I said and opened the door to our flat.

"Wait!" Alfie said "I was going to ask if you two wanted to go to the beach on Saturday, you could ask Jay and his friends if you want as well." Alfie said.

"Yeah, I want to come and I'll ask Jay and the boys when I next see them." Megs replied, a smile spreading across her face Megs loves the beach

. "Yeah I'll come." I replied, it could be an interesting day out, Nath and Alfie fighting for Megs' attention all day.

"Great, I'll see you later then." Alfie said as he went to walk into his flat.

"Wait! We could go and ask the lads now, their flat is only a few minutes walk away." Megs said.

"Okay then you two can go and ask them now then." Alfie said.

"No you're coming to Alfie! Then you can meet them all, you'll love them!" Megs said, grabbing Alfie's hand and walking down the corridor. I followed watching Alfie's face light up when Megs took his hand. How could Megs not notice how she makes him feel?

A few minutes later we were making our way into the lift and Megs was still messing about with Alfie. As she pressed the button for the lift to go to the top floor, Alfie poked her side, making her squeal because she is very ticklish. Megs then poked him back and by the time we got to the top floor they were having a full on poking war, which resulted in them practically running around the lift.

They were so into their poke war that they didn't realize the lift doors had opened and that all of the boys were watching them. I then gently pushed Megs out of the way and walked into the flat, rolling my eyes at them. Megs then realised that we were at the flat and walked out of the lift, Alfie walking behind her. They both had little embarrassed smiles on their faces and were blushing slightly. I looked over to where Nath was standing and he looked really upset. I'm not surprised, Tom said that he still likes Megs and we all know it's true, well every one apart from Megs, she won't admit that Nath still likes her. He looked like a child that had just had his favourite toy taken away from him, he looked lost and hopeless. He then realised that I was staring and forced a smile.

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