It took a moment to process before a scowl drowned his face, "Don't call me that!.. I'm fine.."

Mic chuckled before ripping away his attention. The car ride how was fairly nice the sun began to set as the wind blew through his hair. Bakugo felt relaxed something he hasn't felt in years.

Pulling up to the house realization had hit Katsuki, where were Shinsho and Eri? Pulling out his phone to check the time it was getting late quickly, how long had he been out?

He followed the two adults into the home as they took off their shoes and coats, Aizawa spoke as katsuki began to head to his room. "Hey Kid, after dinner we wanna talk m'kay?"

Katsuki lifted his eyebrow but complied anyway. Walking down the hallway he heard a loud screech,

"MY FACE!!" A voice screamed, Katsuki stopped at the opened door that had been eri's

The scene he saw was memory-burning and hilarious, hitoshi was dressed in a princess costume with makeup that was clearly done by eri herself.

"I thought you said you were gonna do a natural look!" Hitoshi gripped the mirror trying to get a closer look.

"I wanted to make you extra pretty! Don't you like it?.." Eri jumped with glee before looking at Hitoshi questioning him.

With a curvy lip, Hitoshi agreed which made her excited. Katsuki laughed catching the attention of the two before disappearing into his bedroom.

He plopped down face-first into his sheets, despite today's events he was relatively calm. He had an hour till dinner so he decided to catch up with his friends.

He scrolled through his contacts and messages to see that he'd been added to a group chat with his squad. They were currently active and spamming the chat.

Denki: Did anyone finish the algebra!? 😞

Sero: your definitely not gonna survive sophomore year!?💀

Mina: Seriously you know midnight offers studying, you can't copy off our homework for the next two years LOL.

Denki: Com'n guys im trying my hardest!

Kirishima: I was thinking maybe we could go out next Sunday and yk hang out.

Mina: OMG YESSS!! I need some new sandals 💔

Sero and Denki also agreed but Katsuki kept staring at the chat not bothering to respond.

Kirishima: You too bakubro! we aren't complete without you, so?

Katsuki hesitated to respond.
                                                                 Bakugo: No.

Denki: WHY NOT!? Kacchan please I beg of you!! 🧎🏼‍♂️🙏🏻

                                                    Bakugo: Fine... I SAID STOP CALLING ME THAT CRAP!


Katsuki honestly missed the bond of the group it was like a mini family, the love was overwhelming and never judgemental.

He was interrupted by a knock, "Dad said dinner is ready" Hitoshi spoke before walking off. Katsuki made sure he looked presentable before heading downstairs.


Dinner was better than he imagined, the atmosphere wasn't awkward but also very tain and enjoyable. Always as Mic's cooking, he didn't know his sensei could cook so well.

But Katsuki knew one thing. It couldn't beat his for sure.

Katsuki remembered that Aizawa had wanted to talk and decided to stick around the living room.

After many minutes of pots and pans cleaning he hadn't expected both present mic and eraser to sit in front of him with conflicted faces.

"Katsuki W-" Mic started before covering his mouth anxiously, It gave Katsuki bubbles of anxiety rising steadily.

Aizawa took over sighing to contain himself before speaking, "We want to try or help you regress voluntarily Katsuki.."


𝘐𝘵𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦 ☁︎ | bakugo agereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon