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(Tw- attempt suicide, this'll be a short chapter sorry!)

"FUCK!FUCK!" Katsuki yelled while sprinting down the halls



Its been about 2-3 minutes since Katsuki had bumped into Dabi now both of them are chasing the blond. "KATSUKI STOP FUCKING RUNNING!" Dabi yelled angrily they were crazy to think that Katsuki would stop for some simple words.'are these idiots stupid!?' Katsuki thought while looking for a possible exit. Shortly the two lost trace of the blond panicking, katsuki ran into a possible room shutting the door lightly not to attract attention.

He spotted a window partly open and quickly opened it. Looking down he saw alleyway and heard police sirens from a far quickly dieing out, jump from this height he would most likely die so he skipped it. "Attention all members cut off all exits and find a young blond boy I repeat cut off all exits and find a young blond boy" Shigarakis voice was suddenly heard from above "shit!" Katsuki ran out the room creeping through the halls.

"He's right there!" A voice yelled from a far Katsuki panicked and ran into a nearby room that was quite. "Is that the kid boss was talking about?" One man said getting the attention of others katsuki stepped back slighty "oh yeah we'll probably get a raise if we do so" all the men laughed while putting their wine glasses down grinning at the blond.

"Come on kid we wont hurt you~" one of them said in a seductive voice which made katsuki tremble. "S-stay back!" Katsuki yelled as he hit the door. As the people got closer he looked over and saw a door l running over and locking himself inside. He need to get out of there quickly he needed a escape route Turning the lights on he spotted to the room he saw a  computer holding video footage of the entire building. Doors were blocked by villains while he saw no trance if Dabinor toga. Others continued to bang on the door while katsukis anxiety rose slowly each beat.

He then spotted a cabinet with no label but it had a lock. Katsuki was very curious about what was in the cabinet, searching the room he found a key. Inside the cabinet was a huge categoriey of weapons that could surely cause some damage. He picked up a shotgshotgun and examined it he couldn't lie these were some high quality weapons. "Katsuki open up there's no where to run" he heard a voice say outside the door. Katsuki ignored the voice letting his hands fully take control. The next second he was unconscious pointing the gun up towards his head, trembling a bit.

"Its for the good" Katsuki whispered, slowly putting pressure on the trigger gradually getting anxious. He quickly then pulled the trigger hearing a big boom trying to get it over with. Was he dead? It was dark and his eyes were closed. "KATSUKI WHAT THE FUCK!" he heard Dabis familiar voice yell which made his eyes shoot open. 'I'm not dead?..how?' He pulled the gun away from his head to find out it wasn't even loaded. Dabi then snatched the weapon from his hand pinning him down on the ground."someone grab a rope" Dabi told the older men behind him. "no...nono..nono" bakugo repeated as tear filled his eyes. "Please just let me die..."he pled before bursting out into a sob.

Dabi frowned at the young blond. 'Why did he try to kill himself?' Dabi was extremely confused by the unexpected action. He just knew he needed to protect him from harming himself. He soon restrained the blond bring him back to the room he was recovering in, just this time securing him to the bed with extra ropes not wanting the incident to happen again. Katsuki watched with blurry vision from the tears Dabi and Shigaraki chatting but couldn't hear there conversation get small glances here or there with worry in their eyes.


714 words

𝘐𝘵𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦 ☁︎ | bakugo agereWhere stories live. Discover now