Chapter 1: The Drive

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"I can't believe this is goodbye." Lola Brown said to her best friend Lyla Thomas.
"It's not goodbye. Its a see you later." The beautiful pale brunette girl responsed. "I'll see you at Christmas!" She adds trying to make her friend feel a bit better as Lola was coming down to visit her with her family for Christmas.
"Yeah but Christmas is like forever away!" Her friend says.
"3 months." Lyla says.
"3 months is like ages!" Lola says.
"I have like two other friends at school.. and you're gonna be in Miami!" She says.
"2 more than me at my next school.." Lyla says.
"Hello. In Miami. With Noah Smith!" Lola says.
"Shut up about Noah!" Lyla says hitting her with her pillow.
"You loved Noah when you were younger.." Lola says.
"LoveD. Plus I know you love him now." Lyla says reffering to her mums friends son who she stayed in a summer house with each summer in Miami- except for this one as she wanted a last summer in Georgia. After her parents divorced they decided to move to Miami in the apartment block above Noah.
"I do..." Lola says and she laughs.
"2 Minutes Lyla!" Her mom calls with her Georgian accent that Lyla didn't pick up besides growing up in Georgia where she was moving from.
"Okay! You came to help me pack not hold me up! Bye now Lola." She says hugging her tightly.
"Don't forget me..." Lola says holding up there matching bracelets they have had since 2nd grade.
"Of course not." She says leaving Lola's house and running back into her car as they were driving.

The drive would take 8 hours and would be extremely tiring with Lyla's seven year old younger brother Max shouting at his ipad the whole time. How fun! She thought sarcastically to herself. Lyla was a vey sarcastic person. She was sweet but only to people she was close to. So her mum, Lola and Noah. That wasn't very popular back in Georgia but maybe it would be different in Miami she thought to herself. She was very pretty but somehow had never had a boyfriend not even kissed anyone. She was 16 and going into the 11th Grade which was the same as Noah. When they were younger she loved him! She thought she would end up with him but they were to close now to even think about something like that he was more like a brother. A very protective one to. I think he was happy she was single for life because he certainly would've found a flaw and not approved of him.

It was now 8am and she hadn't seen Noah in a year- he visited for Christmas but besides that it was Summer. There Summers were magical. She would look forward to them every year. The drive felt magical. She knew every turn and every shop she passed. She was a bit bummed she couldn't come for Summer but she knew she needed to say goodbye to everyone. deep down she know it wouldn't be the same as it wouldn't be summer and they wouldn't be in the same house and by the time it got to summer they wouldn't be as close, well they would be but the excitement of living by each other and not seen each other for ages will be gone. to be honest Lyla didn't really wanna move as she did like Georgia but she didn't have much option. her mum and dad separated due him  having an affair with one of her little brother mike's friend's mums. It broke Lyla's mum- Ella- into pieces and staying in that house filled with memories so she felt like it was right to move to a place with good memories and good friends like Noah's mum Carla. she was going to miss Lola but she knew was for the best. Ella, Lyla's mom, was very close with Lola's mom and had previously said goodbye the same day,

The first two hours of the drive were peaceful we had left at 10 am so it was then 12am. her brother was actually quite peaceful as he fell asleep an hour in after crying about how he had no Wi-Fi  Lyla didn't give him her hotspot so he proceeded to cry more until she did which was a complete waste as he then fell asleep. me and my mum spoke and she'd already found a job there she worked with kids as a therapist and said that she was going to join my school. I refused. I was no way in hell letting my mum work at my new school. but again I didn't get much choice and money is tight so I went with it. as long as I got her to agree she won't talk to me there.

The next two hours the ride were less peaceful as her brother woke up And play the movie at full volume then she told him to turn it down so they started arguing until her mum said that they would stop as her brother need the toilet and they were all hungry so they got Wendy's then he hit back on the road to four more long painful hours until they finally parked up outside the apartment block on the beach Lyla looked at every summer from the Summer House's bedroom window which she slept in each year. she then sent Noah a snap of her outside and he speeded out and the next The next thing you know he was there.

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