"Can I ask," Pyrrha asked, "why me?" She looked grave. "Was it because of my Semblance... Was it planned from the start?"

"I... Once Cinder found it out, I think so," Emerald said. She looked at the floor. "I told myself it didn't matter. She was just a robot, right? And it was for Cinder, all of it. Like the rat we killed in the bookshop. It's not like... You know, people don't get knifed all the time in the streets. I guess I knew it was wrong to heroes or whatever, but it's not like we ever thought about that. Heck, Mercury is an assassin's son. You should hear what his dad--" She broke off. "Well, the point is, I thought you all were sentimental idiots. I still kind of think that about some of you frickers...but on the other hand, knowing who I was working for, I don't think I had the...right to do those things. Not if I'd known."

She paused. "Cinder always wanted to humiliate you because you were famous for being invincible... one thing about Cinder, she hates anyone who's famous for being strong. Atlas, Vale, the huntsmen academies, and your reputation put a target on your back from the start. It wasn't personal, like, you weren't a person to me or anyone else at the time. I didn't think about what it would do emotionally, it was a part of the plan, that's all. I mean, we wanted to scare the entire kingdom, so... But when I saw how bad it got later, I thought it was..."

"Sad," Shine filled in.

"Yeah." Emerald rubbed her arm. "Sad. I guess I just didn't have anything against those people personally. Why was I ruining their lives to prove a point? But you know Cinder... Bet that sounds pathetic, considering." She pulled her knees up suddenly and hugged them. She looked very small.

Pyrrha honestly didn't have anger after that. If she had, it passed as soon as she saw how bothered Emerald was.

Shine tilted her head. "Emerald, you don't know how to process those things," she said gently. "That's why you're angry... That's okay, though. We have to be taught how to feel things the right way. A lot of people don't know that, but it's true. You're confused and hurt, no doubt, that Cinder betrayed you. That's okay. You're allowed to feel that way even though you caused it. That's a sure sign that you're smarter than those poor, miserable fools who are still in this because they like it. I think you're blessed, in a way."

"What?" Emerald looked up.

"Jesus said, 'Blessed are the poor in spirit,'" Shine said, "'for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,' and, 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall see God.' You've never had much, good or bad, in your life, right? Most people think that makes you cursed, lower. But not in God's kingdom. To Him, that's a blessing, because if your cup is already empty, it can be filled. A full cup of ideas and pride and ideology that sounds right but leads to nothing, that's harder. You have to empty it out first. You bring very little to the table in terms of essentials, and that's good. No one is too poor for God."

"That's beautiful," Pyrrha said. "Really, it is. I never understood people who look down on others for their background or status... I think you just summed up why I liked Jaune's...effort. He started at the bottom also, but he tried so hard, and he learned faster, I think, because he had so little to start with."

"Huh?" Emerald said.

"Jaune faked his way into Beacon," Shine said. "Just like you did, come to think of it."

Pyrrha suddenly laughed. "I didn't think of it that way."

"S---, we're not the only posers." Emerald said that untactfully. "Get out."

"I wouldn't call him a poser..." Pyrrha said.

"Not now, but the first few weeks," Shine said, "I'd have to agree. But he's smart enough to snap out of it. That's my point. The rest doesn't matter. We're all fakers, liars, thieves, it doesn't matter who we are, but those of us who know we are, we can leave it faster. Now that we've heard your side of it, Emerald, there's nothing to worry about."

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