You Again? (Young Leo)

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Tags: black girl luxury, aesthetic pics, young Leo, toxicity, a bit of smut.


Wrapped tightly in my coat coming home from work, the NYC winter breeze cuts sharply at my skin.

I dodge slushy puddles on the sidewalk praying that I don't slip on the black ice in these 4 inch red bottoms.

The life of a working woman..
Office jobs and their pathetic dress codes..
It's as if they think our brains wouldn't work unless we wear a skirt, pantyhose, and heels.

It's as if they think our brains wouldn't work unless we wear a skirt, pantyhose, and heels

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Be fucking for real.

The cubicle life never has been for me anyway..
My forever dream of owning a five star restaurant still burns within me..

Maybe one day..

One day.


Nearing my apartment, I spot him.

His black Lincoln sits across the street from my home, and he watches... he waits.

"George?" I begin to ask a favor to my friendly doorman.

"Yes Ms. Williams?" He politely holds the door open for my entrance.

Stepping foot into the lobby I take off my satin winter gloves, placing them into my purse.

Stepping foot into the lobby I take off my satin winter gloves, placing them into my purse

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"There's a man out there." I begin.
"He's been sitting in that black Lincoln across the street for God knows how long..
I'm sure he'll be getting out soon.
George, when this man approaches you, no matter what he says, don't allow him to come in..
He is no guest, nor friend of mine."

A curious eyebrow lifts across George's face.

"As you wish Ms. Williams." He slowly comes to agree.

I smile. "Goodnight George!"

Into the elevator, and on my way to peace and tranquility being so close to home, I shrug the pressure of the day away.. even though I'll only be picking it right back up where I left off for work bright and early tomorrow morning.

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