Chapter Two: Blood and Tears

Start from the beginning

The creature was now staring at me, triumph clear in his green-gray eyes. He crouched in front of me.

"Hmm sad. You seemed like more of a fighter."

"Please don't kill me." I said as I tried to scoot back away from the monster in front of me.

He grabbed me wrist and pulled me to my feet and more close to him.

"Nope. I don't think so." He studied my face for a second. "How old are you."

"Seventeen." I answered. Surprisingly he dropped my wrist.

"Then it's your lucky day."

"What do you mean?" I questioned, still terrified.

"Here, in the Backrooms, we don't hurt kids. Any kid under eighteen it technically safe here."

I blinked. What? "But why?"

He cocked his head at me. "Would you rather I eat you?"

"No." I replied and took a step back.

"That's what I thought." He looked at me again. "But you going to come with me."

"What?! No!" I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes you are. Your almost eighteen and if one of the others catches you, they will kill you."

"Wha about you? You'll probably kill me when I turn eighteen."

He chuckled. "Your probably right. But your what, seventeen? Your small for your age, not fast, and definitely too weak for any of the other creatures here. And besides you can't stop me."

I took another couple steps back. He chuckled and bagan walking toward me. Then I ran at him full speed and knocked him back. He stumbled and fall down.

I didn't waste any time running down the hallway and around the corner. I quickly turned down another hallway and cam face to face with a weird ass wire monster thing.

"What the fuck..?" I whispered, terrified.

The wire monster came closer to me while I was frozen in shock. It stopped directly in front of me. It stared at me for a minute before I came to my senses and tried to back away. One of its arm came and hit me on the shoulders. Despite its small frame, I went flying against the wall.

I groaned in pain and tried to get up but my arm was grabbed and I flung to the other side of the hallway. The wire monsters hand had drawn blood from my arm. It left really deep gouges in my arm.

I felt like crying and trying to hold it in didn't work and I did start crying.

"She's underage." Came the same silky voice from earlier.

The wire monster looked over at the man, if you can call him that. The wire monster then spoke in static but the man seemed to understand.

"Yeah no. She's seventeen."

The wire monster huffed and then stalked back down the hallway, probably to find others.

I stood up and tried to run away but a had grabbed my shoulder and spun me around and I was picked up by the man.

"Put me down!" I said and tried to get down, to no avail. Despite not wanted to be picked up, my legs wrapped around his waist to keep me from falling.

"You almost got yourself killed." The man spoke after walking for a bit.

"I don't care." The man chuckled at my words.

"From what I remember, you were crying." I didn't respond.

We continued walking but the more we walked the colder it got. It got so cold that my teeth were chattering.

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