The Foxy Pirates//Chapter 2

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Luffy on the other hand seemed unfazed by the stretching and continued to listen in on the conversation with Tonjit.

Faythe was distracted by the scenery, trying to see the terrain and other different animals that might looked even more elongated and deformed. She turned to look at Luffy for permission to go explore, but as she turned to meet his gaze, "Hey, Cap—." She found that he was already staring at her with a bright smile.


Faythe paused in her thinking as she stared back for a moment before releasing his cheeks with a snap of his rubber, "I'll be flying around, trying to see other things. All this dull talk about stilts is boring me..."

Luffy tilted his head at her reasoning before nodding in giving permission, "Sure, go ahead."

Faythe stumbled up happily, dusting off the grass and dust from her sleeves and shorts. She tightened her messy high ponytail with an excited grin, "I'll ask Usopp about the details later for my next book—!" She ran off with a wave of her hand. Her arms took form of wings before lifting off into a spiral of feathers.

It had been a about an hour for her to circle around the small island as she began to take in the scenery like a fresh breathe of air. As she was making her way back towards the group, she peered down to see Tonjit riding Sherry as they frolicked along happily. Both relinquishing in memories at being reunited again after so long.

A smile appeared on her bird beak as she glided down and began to fly side by side with the two. Listening contently to their joyous laughter filling the air.

Her eyes glanced to the side to see Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp watching as well with smiles on their faces.

Chopper noticed her and gave a frantic wave with a bright smile.

Noticing, Faythe snickered and held a wing up to show she noticed him.

"Sherry... Next time the tide subsides, let's cross the Land Bridge!" Tonjit leaned down and gently ran his fingers through her mane, "Be it a rainy day... Be it a snowy day... We will cross it together!!"

Faythe smiled softly at the two as she watched Sherry galloped faster and sprung into the air to show her happiness at his statement. Tonjit held the reigns tightly with a playful laugh, "Wow-wow... Don't jump too high, Sherry... You know I'm afraid of heights!!"

Faythe snickered at that but instantly felt a sharp nick to her face as a sudden gun shot rang through the air.

Along with the sounds of squealing horse dropping down into the tall grass.



The group of pirates who were watching merrily sprung to they're feet as they just witnessed Sherry, Tonjit, and Faythe fall to the ground.




Faythe transformed back into her parrot form as soon as she hit the ground out of shock of hearing the gun shot. Her body freezing up at the suddenness. She glanced over at Sherry and Tonjit with blearily eyes, "Wha..." She stumbled up to her feet and scrambled over hurriedly to the pair.

Tonjit was leaning over the squealing and squirming horse with a pale face full of concern and panic, "H... HEY, SHERRY...! WHAT HAPPENED!? ARE YOU OKAY—!?"

He was a only replied with the horses squeals of pain and discomfort as her hooves were frantically flailing around.

Faythe had hurried over and grabbed the old man by the shoulders and moved him farther away from the horse's dangerous hooves, "Stay back! Even if she loves you, she's in too much pain to know whose around her!" She gritted her teeth as the wound on her face was starting to sting and start to throb.

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum