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Three long jumps from Tatooine later was when you finally told the others about what happened on Tatooine.

"Hey guys, remember when I told you that I took a walk while you were away?"


"I almost got seen by clones."

That got their attention. Except Crosshair's who kept his head down, doing whatever he was doing.

"To bad." He said. "They should have found you."

"Crosshair!" Multiple voices hissed.

"What?" Crosshair asked, looking up. "I was speaking the truth!" He saw the faces of the other clones in the room and shut up.

"How'd you get away?" Echo asked. 

"A few moments before I spotted them I meet a nice woman named Beru Lars." You explained. "It was actually her who first spotted the troopers I think. Her and her husband Owen helped hide me. The clones didn't find me when they conducted a search." 

"That's good." Hunter said. "It's nice to know that not everyone in the galaxy are into the empire." You remembered Anakin but quickly pushed the thought out of your mind. He's not Anakin anymore. You reminded yourself. He's Darth Vader. There was the usual pang of sadness that often crept through your system along with the gut-wrenching fear and nerves. And the memories. Oh god did you hate those terrifyingly creepy memories that mostly haunted you at night. Thank god you knew some stuff to get rid of them. 

 You ran. You had just seen a jedi master being shot down by clones. You heard the clones following you through the woods. The jedi had told you and the other padawans to run and never look back. You had looked back. You had seen the Jedi master being shot down by clones. You had seen the clones look at you. You ran faster. Blasts from the clone's guns landed in the snow next to you. You turned on your lightsaber. It was (favorite color). You looked behind you and deflected a few blasts. You look ahead of you just as you come up to the edge of a ravine. 

"There she is!" You looked back to see about 10 clones aiming their guns at you. They began shooting at you. You deflected them as best you could. You get hit in the leg and you fall to the ground. The clones move closer and one picks up your lightsaber. 

"You won't be needing this." He said. You felt along your belt for the saber your father had given you. He had been a mandalorian. He left when you were five but gave you the blade. Use it carefully and when you need it. He had told you. Your hand found it and you hid it behind your back and turned it on. One clone aimed a gun at you. You swung the blade up. The black blade cut through the clone. You jumped up and stabbed the one holding your lightsaber. You grabbed it. 


He fell to the ground. The remaining clones fell down. They had been shot. You look around at the woods and see a man holding a gun. You jumped the ravine. When you looked back he was still there, watching. You saw a faint line of a bandana on his head.


A voice snapped you back to reality. 

"Are you okay?" Hunter asked, concern flashing in his eyes. 

"I'm okay." You said, brushing the painful memory away. "Just memory." Hunter nodded and returned to what he was doing. Your eyes slowly surveyed the small room in the belly of the Marauder. Your back was facing the metal ramp that if opened would let the vacuum of space suck you into it's depths. To your left was the short passage way to the beds. To your right was the even tinier passage way to the cockpit where Tech was now pulling the Marauder out of hyperdrive.

"We need fuel and supplies." He informed the group. "We're running low on food and water so some of us need to get those." 

"How 'bout Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair get fuel and me, Omega, and y/n get food." Hunter said. 

"What about me?" Echo asked. 

"You'll protect the ship." Hunter said confidently. Echo lifted his cybernetic arm with his face say 'are you sure?' "You'll do great Echo." Hunter said, smiling. He turned to Tech who was returning to the cockpit. "Where's the nearest hospitable planet where we can get food, water, on food?" 

"I'm working on it!" Tech called from the cockpit as he flew the Marauder towards a planet covered in as much land as there was water. You didn't recognize it. 

"Tech?" You asked. "What's this planet called?"

"Kal'dan." Tech informed you. 

"It's very beautiful." You said, admiring the view from the cockpit.

"The outside is." Tech said, eyes fixed forward. "The Kal'danian's like to make their world look nice and peaceful so it won't draw suspicion. Underneath, if you know how to get down there, it's a whole nother world." 

"What's it like?" You asked.

"Some parts of it are fine." Tech said. "It's all the bottom half that's bad. You know like, bars, and dark alleys, and drug dealers, stuff like that. No one in their right mind would go all the way down there unless they're looking for trouble." Tech landed the Marauder on a patch of green grass. You could see trees in the distance. What Tech said still didn't change your mind about it being beautiful. You followed the clones, waving goodbye to Echo and the Marauder, to a place not far from where Tech had landed the ship. Hunter squatted down and touched the ground. It moved. You quickly realized that Hunter had activated a metal trap door in the Kal'dan's earth. He dropped through. Crosshair was unwillingly pushed past him and Wrecker, who was holding Omega, jumped after him. "Ladies first." Tech said, indicating the trap door. You jumped through. It wasn't a big fall. You looked around for a way back up and saw a ladder. Thank god there's a ladder. You thought. The trap door closed after Tech jumped through. 

"Alright everyone." Hunter said. "Let's split up. We have our comms in case anything happens." Everyone nodded and split away to do their respective group tasks. "Welcome dear," Hunter Discreetly whispered in your ear. "To Kal'dan." You finally got a good look at the population of Kal'dan.          

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