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a/n: there's a quote (two) that i put in this chapter and if you understand it i love you 

"y/n!" Omega shook you awake. She looked frantic. She was frantic.

"What is it?" You asked. "Is everyone okay?"

"Hunter's gone." She said. A moment of sheer panic spread through your body.

"What do you mean Hunter's gone?" You asked shakelly.

"I woke up and he wasn't anywhere!" Omega said. "The ship landed on a planet! All I know is we're in the outer rim!" You jumped up.

"Have any of you gone searching for him?" You asked.

"All of us." Omega followed you to the hatch.

"I'm going to look for him." You said.

"Are you sure?" Omega asked.

"Yes." You said. You summoned your lightsaber with the force. "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"How can we?" Echo said in the doorway to the cockpit. "You're taking all the stupid with you." You rolled your eyes and opened the hatch.

"Good luck." Omega said. You smiled at her.

"In the words of Obi-wan, 'there's no such thing as luck'." You left.


When you got to a high point you sat down and crossed your legs. This was a trick that Obi-wan had taught you. You used the force to sense heat signatures in a three hundred mile radius. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You felt the force flow through you. You took another deep breath. And another one. And another. And another. The force exploded out of you. Well, not exploded. In between that and leaving your body. In your mind you saw a blue dot. Me. You thought. Red dots appeared. There was a group of heat signatures. That's Tech, Echo, Wrecker, Omega, and Crosshair. Another red dot appeared a mile away from you. And it was moving. Hunter. You snapped open your eyes and jumped up. You slid down the dune and started running. You closed your eyes and saw the blue dot, which was you, moving closer to Hunter's red dot. 

"I'm coming Hunter." You whispered. You opened your eyes and fell. You had tripped over a rock and were tumbling down the side of a dune. You propped yourself up and coughed out some sand. You pushed yourself up and climbed the next dune. You slid down it. When you looked up you saw Hunter. "Hunter!" You yelled. He turned around. You ran up to him. "Why did you leave the ship?" You asked. "We went looking for you!" He didn't answer. "Hunter!"

"I needed air." He said.

"You're lying." You said. "You can't hide anything from me, remember?" 

He looked away and didn't say anything. "You're here to see someone." You said. "And you're going to stay."

"Yes." He looked back. "I'm going to stay."

"That's fine." You said, looking up into his eyes. "We don't need you. We can do this without you." You waved your hand into the distance. "You can stay with this girl for the rest of your life, see if I care!"

"y/n..." Hunter said.

"Don't y/n me." You said. "You made your choice and I've made mine."

"Have you found him yet?" Omega asked over the com link.

"He's not coming back." You said.

"What? What do you mean he's not coming back?" Omega asked.

"He doesn't want to" You glared at Hunter. "He wants to stay here with a woman."

"So he's leaving us?" Omega began to cry. "Why would he do that? We're his family." You let her cry for a bit.

"I don't know, Omega." You said, still glaring at Hunter. "Maybe he just doesn't want to be with us anymore." He saw the pain in your eyes. "Maybe he loves her more than he loves us." Omega began to cry harder. "I'll meet you back at the ship." You ended the call.

"y/n, I can explain-" You punched him in the face.

"That's for Omega." You punched him again. "That's for Echo." And again. And again. "Those are for Tech and Wrecker!" You kicked him in the face. "And that one's for me." You lifted him up with the force and began to force choke him. "Tell your girlfriend that I'm coming for her. And no one can stop me." You threw him into a dune. "That felt good." You said.


When you got back to the havoc marauder, everyone ran up to you. They all looked like they were crying. Except Crosshair. But they all were hurting.

"Is it true Hunter left us?" Echo asked.

"Why?" Tech asked.

"Can we get him back?" Wrecker said. You pushed the questions away.

"I have a plan." You said. "And I'm going to need help."

"What do you need?" Crosshair asked.

"Every single one of you at your best." You said. "We're going to kill Hunter's girlfriend."

"But that's not the Jedi way." Tech said.

"That's why you guys are going to kill her." You said. "And if you need my help, I'll be there."  

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