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You put the ship in hyperspace and got out of the pilot's seat. You left the cockpit and walked over to where Hunter was sleeping. You shoved him.

"Get up!" You said. He didn't wake up. "Hunter!" He still didn't wake up. "Hunter, the ship's about to crash!" He jumped up and looked around frantically. "Do you usually sleep in this late? First Echo, now you! How's going to be next, Wrecker? Tech?"

"Don't do that." Hunter said.

"Okay." You smirked. "But only if you wake up on your own." He rolled his eyes.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"Kamino." You said.

"What?! Why are we going back to Kamino?!" Hunter said.

"It was Omega's idea." You said. "She thought that we should save Crosshair."

"And you didn't wake me up?!" Hunter said.

"We thought Wrecker bumping into stuff and shouting would have done that already." You said. Echo walked into the room.

"Oh, look who finally woke up." He said. Omega walked into the room.

"Hunter!" She said. "You're awake!" Omega smiled. "Did y/n tell you we're going to Kamino?" Hunter nodded.

"How are we going to get the inhibitor out of his head?" Hunter asked.

"One problem at a time." You said. Echo walked into the room.

"Oh, look who finally woke up." He said. Omega walked into the room.

"Hunter!" She said. "You're awake!" Omega smiled. "Did y/n tell you we're going to Kamino?" Hunter nodded.

"How are we going to get the inhibitor out of his head?" Hunter asked.


The havoc marauder jumped out of hyperspace outside Kamino's atmosphere.You landed the ship on a landing pad and opened the hatch. You walked out of the cockpit and grabbed your lightsaber and a blaster. Everyone was putting their armor on. Omega was watching everyone. You walked over to her. 

"Where's your armor?" She asked you.

"I don't need armor." You said.

"But you got shot." Omega said.

"True." You responded. "But I rarely get shot."

"How many times have you gotten shot?" Omega asked.


"When?" She asked.

"Last time we were at Kamino." You said. "And when order 66 happened."

"How did you get shot?" Omega asked.

"I got shot by clones." You said.

"That's it?" Omega said. "You just got shot by clones?! Did anything else happen?"

"You guys ready?" Hunter called over. You looked at Omega and she nodded.

"Yeah." You called back.

"Okay, move out!" You followed Hunter and the rest of the bad batch out onto the landing platform.

"So, if one of us finds crosshair, what should we do?" You asked.

"Stun him." Hunter said. "Then bring him back to the ship."

"Okay." You said.


You're walking through a hallway. There's a door.You open it and peek in. It's the med bay. At the far end there's a man lying on one of the cots and a droid leaning over him.

"Guys, I think I found Crosshair." You say into the com link. "Is he supposed to be really skinny?"

"Yes." Hunter's voice said. "Is there anyone else in there?"

"Just a droid." You said.

"Take down the droid, but don't kill it." He said. "We need some information about the empire." You walked into the room and shot the droid's body. It fell to the ground.

"I got the droid." You said.

"Good." Hunter said. You turned the blaster to stun and shot the man on the bed.

"I got Crosshair too." You said. "I'm going to need some help bringing them back to the ship."

"Okay, where are you?" Hunter asked.

"Med bay." You said. "Hurry." You set the gun back to kill. A doctor walked through the door. You shot him in the leg and closed the door with the force. You moved the doctor next to the droid. "Stay there." You told him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"You don't need to know." The door opens and you point the blaster at it.

"Wow, wow, It's just me." Echo put his hands in the air. You lower the blaster.

"Where are the others?" You asked.

"They're coming." Echo said. He noticed the doctor. "What's he doing here?"

"He came in before you got here. I didn't know if I should kill him or not so I just left him alive." You said.

"It's good that you kept him alive." Hunter said. "Hunter you take Crosshair and the doctor, I'll take the droid."

"Why do I have to carry two people?!" Wrecker bellowed again.


"Sorry." Wrecker slung the doctor on one of his shoulders and Crosshair on the other. Hunter picked up the droid.

"y/n, you go first." Hunter said. You walked through the door. Wrecker followed you, then Tech, then Hunter, then Omega, and finally Echo. You hid behind a pillar as a group of clones passed by. You peaked over the pillar. There was nobody there. You beckoned your friends to follow. You made it to the door that led to the ship. The door opened. It was pouring. There was someone standing between you and the havoc marauder. He ignited a red lightsaber. 

"Everyone get to the ship!" You yelled. "Now!"

"We're not leaving you!" Hunter shouted over the wind.

"Just go!" You shouted back. He didn't move. "Go!" You caught his gaze and held it for a moment.

"Okay, everyone, let's get to the ship!" Hunter yelled. You turned back to the sith and ignited your (favorite color) lightsaber. Here goes. 

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