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Everyone forgave Hunter. But they all punched him once. He deserved it.

"What about the kids?" You asked Hunter.

"I don't know." He said. "They're mother said that they could fend for themselves."

"Hopefully they don't get off this planet and try to kill us." Tech said.

"Don't jinx it!" Everyone said. You smiled. Omega turned to you and Hunter.

"Are you a thing now?" She asked. Everyone looked at you guys. You looked at Hunter. He hesitated then nodded. "I knew it!" Omega cheered. This is awkward. You mouthed. I know. He mouthed back. "Are you going to have kids?" Omega asked.

"No, we already have five." You said.

"Hey!" Omega, Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo said. You and Hunter laughed.

"Where to next?" You asked the gang.

"How about coruscant?" Tech said.

"Why there?" You asked.

"We could get some idea on what's going on." Tech said.

"I guess we have a plan." Hunter said.

"I guess we do." Echo said.


Hunter landed the marauder in a hidden place near the Jedi temple. Well, it was the Jedi temple. Now it's the imperial palace. You led the bad batch to the entrance. 

"I'll get the entrance open for you." You said. They nodded. You climbed up the wall and slipped through an opening in the ceiling.

"Hey!" A clone shouted. They started shooting at you. You activated your lightsaber and blocked the shots. You ran at them and cut them down one by one. 

"Come in." You said. Hunter came in first with his knives out. "Ready?" You asked. They nodded.

"Remember this is a stealth mission." Hunter said. "If the alarm goes off then we run for it." He led the way through the hallways. You end up in the archives. No one was in there.

"We have to be careful." You whispered. "Someone could be in one of the aisles."

"You go." Hunter said. "You could pass off as a sith. Just act dark and scary." You rolled your eyes and walked into the archives. You didn't pass by anyone at first but at the fifth aisle you saw someone in dark robes. You had changed into dark robes before you had entered the building. You looked at a file.

"Who are you?" The sith asked you in a cold voice. "I've never seen you here before."

"I'm a padawan." You said.

"You look too old to begin being a padawan." The sith said.

"I've been on another planet." You said. The sith studied you. You stared back at him. He returned to his file. You saw his lightsaber dangling from his belt. You summoned it with the force and slipped into another aisle.

"Hey!" The sith turned in your direction but didn't see you. A clone walked past. "Raise the alarms." The sith ordered him. "We have a traitor." You opened your palm to see the file. You closed it and hurried to where you left the others.

"I got it." You said. You gave it to Tech. "But they're going to raise the alarms. They think there's a rogue sith."

"What is it?" Tech was looking down at the file.

"It's about order 66." You said. "And everything after. Plus how many Jedi died."

"Let's get out of here." Echo said.

"Good idea." You said. You led the crew out of the archives and towards the door. The alarms went off. "Run!" You said. You handed Echo your lightsaber. "Don't lose it." You said. He nodded and followed the others out. You saw two sith with their hoods on. You pulled yours over your head. They saw you and walked over. 

"Do you know what happened?" One of them asked. You shook your head.

"Something about a rogue sith." You said.

"We haven't had a rogue sith in years." The second sith said. More siths came. Finally, the one who's lightsaber you'd stolled showed up.

"What's this all about?" A Sith asked.

"Some padawan stole my lightsaber." There was an intake of breath. "And they didn't show up." He said. "We have to find her."

"It's a girl?" The first Sith said.

"Yes." The sith said. "We have to find her." The Sith broke up. You followed one Sith who had short brown hair.

"Do you know who she is?" He asked.

"No." You said. "Did you?"

"No." He said. "I don't know any Sith who would do that." 

"I didn't know any Sith who would do that except for that one years ago." You said.

"Do you remember they're name?" You shook your head.

"No one remembers these days." He said. A muffled voice came from your conseild com link. "What?" He said.

"I didn't say anything." You said. The muffled voice came again. He gasped.

"You're the rogue sith!" He said. His lightsaber activated. You pulled out the stolen one and turned it on. "Don't you have two?" He asked.

"I've only ever had one." You said.

"But the sith who started this said you had one!" He said.

"The person who stole it will have two!" You said. "I only have one!" He attacked. You dodged his swings. Two Sith ran into the hallway. "He started attacking me!" You yelled.

"She's the rogue Sith!" The brown haired Sith said. The two Sith looked confused. "Trust me!" The brown haired Sith said again.

"How do you know that?" You said to him. "You attacked me in the first place!" A gust of wind came through the hallway and blew your cloak and the brown haired sith's cloak back. You quickly made the allusion of a lightsaber hanging at the boys belt. The wind died down and the cloaks fell back down.

"I thought it was a girl." One Sith said. 

"Maybe she cut her hair and changed her look and voice to a boys to hide from us!" The other Sith said. They turned on their lightsabers and attacked the boy. You slipped away.


When you got back to the marauder Hunter gave you a big hug.

"You're okay!" He said.

"Of course I am." He let go.

"Why didn't you respond when I comed you?" He asked.

"I was with a Sith." You said. "You gave away my position." Echo tossed you your lightsaber. "Thanks."      

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