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The marauder landed on tatooine. Hunter got up and walked past you. You were still sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

"What did you say to Hunter?" Tech asked behind you.

"Nothing." You said, still smiling. "He's just grumpy."

"Come on, we're getting ready for the supply run." Tech said.

"Okay." You got up and followed him over to the others.

"Two people should stay and guard the ship." Hunter said.

"How 'bout Hunter and y/n!" Omega said.

"No!" You both said in unison.

"You would do great!" Wrecker said. You saw Echo and Tech smiling. You rolled your eyes.

"No." You said. "We're not staying here."

"How about Echo and Wrecker." Hunter suggested.

"That sounds good." Tech said.

"For you!" Wrecker said. "You get to go on the supply run!"

"At least I'm not going to have to be a droid." Echo glared at Hunter.

"It was just once!" Hunter said. Echo crossed his arms.

"I am worth more than three thousand." He said.

"I know." Hunter said. "But we needed the credits!"

"We should get the supply run over with before the sunsets." Tech said.

"Good idea!" Omega said. "Let's go!" You, Hunter, and Tech walked onto the sand.

"What's the whole 'I am worth more than three thousand' thing?" You asked Tech.

"We had to sell Echo." He said.

"You sold Echo?" You said.

"He was pretending to be a droid." Tech explained.

"Now that I'd like to see." You smiled. Up ahead Hunter was at a stall with Omega. Omega ran over to you.

"I told Hunter about tusken raiders." She said. "I said that you told me where they live but I knew everything else."

"Did he believe you?" You asked.

"Yes!" She said. "He also said something about you."

"What did he say?" You asked.

"I can't tell you." She said.

"Now I want to know!" You said. Omega smiled and hugged you. You looked up to see Hunter watching you. You smiled at him. He smiled back. Omega let go and grabbed your hand. She pulled you over to Hunter. Tech followed, typing furiously on his data pad. "Still grumpy?" You asked Hunter.

"Maybe." Omega giggled. "Come on," Hunter said. "We have to get more supplies." Omega ran ahead.

"Omega!" You shouted after her. "You don't even know where we're going!"

"Neither do you!" Omega shouted back.

"Just don't get lost!" You shouted.

"She got lost last time we went on a supply run." Tech said.You looked at him. "The one with the droid." You nodded. "Then she was found by a bounty hunter who was looking for her. She got past Hunter and Wrecker." You chuckled.

"Okay, we get it Tech." Hunter said. Tech smiled. There were yells up ahead. You saw Omega running from a group of clone troopers.

"Omega!" You yelled. She ran towards you. Hunter pulled out his knives. You reached for your lightsaber but remembered you had left it on the ship. But luckily your hand lands on the darksaber. You ignite it. Omega hid behind Tech. The clones saw the darksaber.

"It's a jedi!" One of them said.

"Or it could be Lord sidious' new padawan." Another one said.

"I thought it was a boy."

"He could have a secret one."

"I don't think so." The first clone raised a gun at your head. Tech pulled out a gun and shot him. Then the fight broke out. Each side was hiding behind boxes. You stood up a couple times to deflect bullets back at clones. Somehow the clones had the courage to get out from behind their boxes and run at us. You cut a few down.

"Get back to the ship Omega!" You shouted. She obeyed. You saw a clone break off from the main group to run after Omega. You used the force to send him flying into the group of clones. Hunter ran into the group. You followed. You took a few down with the darksaber and had to fight some others. A clone pointed his gun at you. Tech shot him. "I had him!" You said.

"Sorry!" Tech said. There were only a few clones left. Hunter killed them.

"Everyone, okay?" He asked. Tech nodded.

"Yeah." You said.

"Let's get back to the ship." Hunter said.

"Do we have everything we need?" Tech asked.

"Yeah." Hunter nodded. You put the darksaber back on your belt.

"y/n, why didn't you use your (favorite color) one?" Tech asked.

"I forgot it." You said.

When you got back to the ship Omega immediately hugged all of you.

"You're alive!" She said.

"Why wouldn't we be?" You said, smiling. 

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