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a/n: I'M BACK! It's been ages since I actually wrote this! I hope you like it. Anyway, read away. :) ~WINTRSOLDIR


You and Hunter looked up. Omega was standing at the end of the ramp.

"GUYS!" She yelled, pointing at you and Hunter. "Y/N AND HUNTER JUST KISSED!"

"REALLY?" Wrecker said, running up next to her, his face lit up with excitement. The others appeared next to him. 

"Seriously Omega?" Hunter said. Omega laughed and ran down the ramp. She hugged you and Hunter. 

"Are you guys dating?" She asked, looking up at both of you. "Please say yes." You and Hunter laughed.


"I hope so." Omega said. "You two would make a really good couple." 

"It's true." Wrecker said. 

"We have to go." Hunter said. 

"Where are we going?" Tech asked. He and Echo seemed entirely unfazed by the fact that Omega had legit yelled to the whole universe that you and Hunter had kissed. Speaking of the kiss, it was still stinging on your lips. 

"I don't know." Hunter said. "Just away from here." 


The tie fighters shot after the Marauder. You, Wrecker, Omega, and Tech were holding onto stuff in the back while Hunter and Echo flew the ship. Wrecker looked like he was about to throw up.

"If you throw up on me I'll personally make sure you never throw up again." You told him. Wrecker nodded and turned his head away. The Marauder just barely got out of the way of some shots but was hit. The ship shook making you hit your head.  Hopefully I don't get a concussion You thought. Hunter fired at the on coming tie fighters. He hit two but the third got out of the way. Something blinked red. One of the shots had hit the engine. "We have to land!" You yelled up to the front. "Get to the closest planet!"

"On it." Hunter and Echo said in unison. 

"Keep on the fighter." Hunter told Echo. "I'll get us landed." Echo nodded. The tie fighter got out of the way of the first few shots but one of the shots just barely hit it's wing. It exploded. 

"We need to land!" Tech yelled. "Now!" Hunter steered the injured Marauder into the planet's atmosphere. You cursed. The planet was Kamino. 


You ran through the rain. Hunter had sent you, Wrecker, and Echo to find some supplies to fix the Marauder. The doors slid open in front of you. You and the others thankfully ran into the shelter of the building. But that happy feeling was gone when clones rounded the corner. You whipped your lightsaber out instantly as they began to fire. Wrecker and Echo ducked for cover as you blocked the blaster shots. Wrecker and Echo pulled out their guns and began firing at the enemy clones. Some fell before the others slid out of blaster reach. Your (favorite color) lightsaber blade sliced through clone after clone. Finally, the last one fell.

"Let's move." Echo said, stepping over the bodies. "We have to find the tools quickly so we can get off this planet." 

"Oh you won't be getting off this planet." 

You and the others whipped around to see Crosshair.

"You." You hissed, your hands gripped the lightsaber hilt tighter. "Find the tools." You ordered Wrecker and Echo. "I'll take Crosshair." The two didn't argue. 

"That was a very bad decision." Crosshair said, his voice as smooth as always. 

"On your part or mine?" You asked. 

"Your's." Crosshair whipped out his blaster and fired. You dodged the blaster shots and ran at him, slamming him up against the wall. You sent his blaster flying away from him. The (favorite color) blade of your lightsaber was inches from Crosshair's neck. 

"Wrong." You hissed. "It was your's." Crosshair kicked you. You grunted in pain. Crosshair took those few seconds and ran. He picked up his blaster and sent one lone blaster shot at you before disappearing. You deflected the blaster bolt and yelled a curse after Crosshair. You turned around and followed the path that Wrecker and Echo had gone down. You kept your lightsaber on and ears open. The white lights was almost too bright. Where were Wrecker and Echo? You turned the corner and stopped. The sith you had fought earlier was at the end of the hallway. His pitch black armor stood out against the white lights of the hallway. 

"Ah hello y/n." He said, his red lightsaber ignited. "I haven't seen you in a while. It's too bad that you didn't remember me." 

"You aren't Anakin!" You yelled. "Anakin would never attack me!" 

"Maybe Anakin wouldn't." The masked sith said. "But I am not Anakin." He stepped forward, lightsaber swinging.  

"Than I won't have any trouble killing you." You said, moving to meet his blade.

"You can not defeat me." Darth Vader said, swinging his blade. 

"If you were Anakin, I can." You parried and attacked, stepping into the offensive. Vader didn't say anything as he quickly defended himself from your attacks. You speed up your attacks and backed Vader into a wall. "If you ever loved her, tell Padme I said hi." You said. 

"Never say her name." Vader's blade was to quick to stop. It went right through your chest. You stumbled back, pain seeping through you. You dropped your lightsaber, it's blade extinguished. You collapsed to your knees, gasping for air. 

"Anakin..." You rasped. "What have you done..."   

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