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The marauder jumped out of hyperspace.

"Where are we going?" Echo asked Hunter.

"I don't know, ask Tech. It was his idea." Hunter said.

"Do you at least know what we're doing here?" Echo asked.

"Supply run."

"What's the planet called?"

"Ask Tech." Echo sighed and walked away. You got up to follow Echo.

"y/n." Hunter said.

"Yeah?" You said.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"We're talking."

"It's just, don't believe everything Omega tells you."

"Ouch." You said.

"She's a kid!" Hunter said. "She doesn't even know what a tusken raider is!"

"Yeah." You said. "She's just a kid." You walked away. Echo walked past you.

"So, where are we going?" You asked.

"Tatooine." Echo said. "It has a lot of sand."

"It's a desert planet, I know." You said. Omega ran up to you.

"y/n, what's a tusken raider?" She asked.

"You heard that conversation, didn't you." You said.

"Yes." Omega said. "What's a tusken raider?"

"Tusken raider's live on Tatooine and they're raiders. You should stay away from them." You said.

"Okay." Omega said. "Now I'm gonna go tell Hunter!" She ran off. You laughed and followed. "Hunter!" Omega said.

"What?" Hunter looked back.

"I know what a tusken raider is." She said. "They're raiders and they live on tatooine. They are dangerous."

"Did anyone tell you that?" Hunter asked.

"y/n told me where they live, but I knew everything else!" Omega said. "See! I know things!"

"You heard that conversation, didn't you?" Hunter looked away.

"I did." Omega said. "You know I'm right!"

"About what?" The marauder entered Tatooine's atmosphere.

"You like y/n!" Omega said.

"And why is that?" Hunter asked.

"I have this feeling." Omega said. "And you've been acting weird around her." Hunter sighed.

"Please don't tell her." He said quietly.

"Okay." Omega ran off. You sat down in the co-pilot's seat.

"I have a feeling you heard that." Hunter smirked.

"Yeah I did." You smirked. 

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