When we found them, they were located near a large cliff, overlooking the gorgeous pandorian sea.

"They just migrated here, so this is where we will be during our stay."

I sent her a happy smile, but immediately saw Zidii's smile drop as we got closer and landed.

As we unmounted our ikrans, We were greeted with warrior cries and cheers. Soon as I hopped down I began walking through the makeshift village.

A eccentric looking Navi women doused in red paint grinned wildy as I walked in her direction.

"My People! Today is a wondrous day indeed. The Great Ey'lue has made visit to our mighty clan." The Clan leader called out.

Warriors cried out to the sky excitedly and I greeted her with a gracious smile.

"Thank you for allowing me and my warriors to stay amongst your people so that I may learn the way of Eywa through your great Shaman."

Clan leader Ikeyni gave me a excited grin. Her eyes flashing with a look that I couldn't read. Her eyes then turned to Zidii. They instantly narrowed.

"Young Zidii. You have...for once...done well. Eywa may not have turned her back on you yet."

I scrunched up my face and Zidii who always was cheerful had a stoic expression. She did not reply. Only giving a respectful nod to her clan leader.

I wasn't sure what the history was but my curiosity was growing by the second and my need to defend Zidii grew even more.

"Allow me to show you our village and introduce you to our Shaman Ju'weh."

As I walked through the village, I encounterd people painted in various colors popping out of make shift huts to get a glance of me. I noticed all there dwellings seemed to sit in front of a large stone, shaped like a tusk.

In the center of the village is where the daily life of the villagers took place. Many people bowed and displayed there clothes and jewelry for me. Chanting welcome Great Ey'lue over and over. It was slightky overwhelming. An I simply gave a tight in return and continued on.

As we glided through the village, Clan Leader Ikeyni pointed out all the areas of importance. When we made it to the other end we were greeted with the sight of a hut sitting further away from the others. In front of the large stone tusk, was a hut with smoke coming from the entrance. An middle aged man sat by burning sacred plants and whispering words I couldn't hear.

He was lean. The sides of his head were shaved into a Mohawk. And the remaining hair was braided into a intricate braid.

When I stepped before him he stopped and his eyes flashed open.

"I see you, young Ey'lue." He said in a calm voice.

I bowed respectfully. "I see you Shaman Ju'weh. Thank you for allowing me the chance to learn from you."

His lips twitched and he leaned his head back. "I am happy you wish to learn our ways."

His eyes turned to Zidii and he smiled full on. "Zidii, you have done very good, bringing her here. Have you faired well?"

Zidii's usual smile took over her face and she kneeled before Shaman Ju'weh and nodded.

"I have, dear Shaman. Have you faired well?"

He reached out and patted her cheek. "By Eywas will I have."

I eyed the duo curiously and Ju'weh took in my expression.

"Zidii was put in my care when she was 14 seasons old. I am very fond of her. An it honors me to see her guard you. She is a great hunter."

Ziddii blushed and Clan Leader Ikeyni huffed slightly, but sent me another seemingly fake smile. I was not feeling this women at all.

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