Taking Back Trost Part 3

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For the second time since he came to this new world,Ben graced the sky's as Jetray alongside his newly formed allies, along with some even more recent additions. They maneuvered their way across the deserted city, doing so at a moderate speed in the chance that they encountered a Titan.

"So, how far are we the from the gate?" Asked Jetray as he continued to look forward.

"Not far. We just need to maintain this speed to ensure that we don't get blindsided by any nearby Titans." Replied Ian.

"That's why we're going this slow? Pfft, you didn't need to do that." Said Jetray cockily.

"I beg your pardon." Said a confused Ian.

"If they're any nearby Titans, I'll take of care of them,so there's no need for you to be too careful." Said Jetray,as he turned his head back slightly to flash a grin at Ian.

"It's a sound plan, Tennyson. Something I suspect you aren't capable of." Said Riko in defense of Ian.

"I am actually, but nice try though." Said Jetray still grinning.

"You're going to have to do better than that to get under my skin." A tick mark appeared on the forehead of Riko,as she was angered by being called out on her attempt to unsettle Ben.

"Why, you..." Began an infuriated Riko.

"Stand down,Riko." Cautioned Ian, causing Riko's eyes to initially widen before she frowned. She then looked away with gritted teeth.

"Normally I wouldn't even consider something so outlandish, but due to the source, I'll humor you." Said Ian.

"Can you back up your claims?" The cadets looked amongst themselves without saying a word, confusing Eren in the process.

"Do you even have to ask?" Said Jetray cockily before flying deeper into the city

"Hey,get back here!" Shouted Mitabi before increasing his speed. With a sigh,Ian followed suit,to which Riko and the cadets did so as well.

Jetray manuvered gracefully across the city, but due to how dexterous his pattern of flight was, and his speed,it made it hard for the soliders keep up with him. Little did they know that this was his plan so as to avoid them getting caught in the cross-fire.

The time had come to enact it, because once Jetray flew into another section of the city, he saw two 15 meter class Titans a few feet away from him. They both had black hair and pale skin but differed in stature and walking posture. The one by the left was obese, while the one by the right was slim.

With a smirk, Jetray weaved to his left to dodge an attempted grab by the obese Titan's right hand.

Charging up his Neuro-shock blasts from his eyes, Jetray sent a short but precise blast to it's nape, killing it instantly. Jetray then proceeded to do a barrel roll manauevr to his right before shooting another blast to the nape of the slim Titan, killing it as well.

Ian's squad and Eren gasped in shock at the display, but the cadets seem relatively unfazed. Manuvering around the two slain Titans,they all resulted to running on rooftops due to another Titan being in front of them that Jetray was about to engage in combat.

Oozing with confidence, Jetray flew towards the Titan. It had it's hands outstretched,as if trying to reach out to something. Now flying directly in front of the Titan's face, Jetray immediately flew downwards in order to avoid being grabbed by the Titan.

Flying from in between it's legs, Jetray then turned his body until he was facing the Titan's back, before proceeding to fly up until he was at the level of it's nape, and killing it.

Ben 10:In the World of Titans Remake (Original by Domino117)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ